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9 Snapshots

Every VICE emulator has a built-in snapshot feature, that saves the complete emulator state into one file for later use. You can therefore save the emulator state - including the state of the game you are playing for example - in a single file.

Important note: In the past the idea was that snapshots with the same major version can be exchanged with later versions of the emulator. However, this proved to be too difficult to maintain, and insanely hard to test for correctness, which is why now the emulator will reject the snapshot when it finds a module that is too old. Because of this you should not use snapshots for permanent/long term storage.

9.1 Snapshot usage

A snapshot is one file containining the complete emulator state. A snapshot file can be generated by selecting the "Save snapshot" command at any time. This will pop up a requester from which you can specify whether the snapshot should also contain the disk and ROM status.

A snapshot file can be used to restore the emulator state by selecting the load snapshot menu entry at any time. Unfortunately attached ROM images/cartridges are only supported in the VIC20, the PET and the CBM-II emulators at this time.

The memory configuration of the emulator is saved in the snapshot file as well. This configuration is restored when the snapshot is loaded.

A quick snapshot can now be made by pressing the M-F11 key and reloaded by pressing the M-F10 key.

9.2 Snapshot format

A snapshot file consists of several modules of mostly different types. Each module has a name and saves the state of an entity like a CIA, the CPU, or the memory.

9.2.1 Emulator modules

This section lists the modules that are contained in each of the emulators snapshot files. x64 modules

The modules in the x64 emulator are:

Name Type Description
MAINCPU 6502 The Main CPU - although it is a 6510, only the 6502 core is saved here
C64MEM Memory Holds the RAM contents of the C64. Also the CPU I/O register contents are saved here.
C64ROM ROM images Dump of the system ROMs
VIC-II 656* The VIC-II of the C64/128
CIA1 6526 The CIA for the interrupts and the keyboard
CIA2 6526 The CIA for the userport, IEC-bus and RS232.
SID 6581 The SID sound chip of the C64/C128
REU* The RAM Extension Unit state (optional)
ACIA1 6551 An ACIA (RS232 interface) at $DE00 (optional)
TPI 6525 A TPI at $DF00 for a parallel IEEE488 interface (optional)
* Drive modules The emulated drive(s) have their own modules see section Drive modules

Some of the modules are optional and are only saved if the specific feature is enabled at save-time. If the module is found when restoring the state the optional features are enabled, and disabled otherwise. x128 modules

The modules in the x128 emulator are:

Name Type Description
MAINCPU 6502 The Main CPU - although it is a 6510, only the 6502 core is saved here
C128MEM Memory Holds the RAM contents of the C64. Also the CPU I/O register contents are saved here.
C128ROM ROM images Dump of the system ROMs
VIC-II 656* The VIC-II of the C64/128
CIA1 6526 The CIA for the interrupts and the keyboard
CIA2 6526 The CIA for the userport, IEC-bus and RS232.
SID 6581 The SID sound chip of the C64/C128
ACIA1 6551 An ACIA at $DE00 (optional)
TPI 6525 A TPI at $DF00 for a parallel IEEE488 interface (optional)
* Drive modules The emulated drive(s) have their own modules see section Drive modules

Some of the modules are optional and are only saved if the specific feature is enabled at save-time. If the module is found when restoring the state the optional features are enabled, and disabled otherwise.

Not yet supported are the 80 column video chip, cartridges and RAM expansion unit. xvic modules

The modules in the xvic emulator are:

Name Type Description
MAINCPU 6502 The Main CPU
VIC20MEM Memory Holds the RAM contents of the VIC20.
VIC20ROM ROM images Holds the ROM images of the VIC20, including possibly attached cartridges
VIC-I 656* The VIC-I of the VIC20
VIA1 6522 The VIA for the interrupts and the keyboard
VIA2 6522 The VIA for the userport, IEC-bus and RS232.
* Drive modules The emulated drive(s) have their own modules see section Drive modules xpet modules

The modules in the xpet emulator are:

Name Type Description
MAINCPU 6502 The Main CPU
PETMEM Memory Holds the RAM contents of the PET.
PETROM ROM images Holds the ROM images of the PET, including possibly attached cartridges
CRTC 6545 The CRTC of the PET. This is also included if it is a dump of a PET without CRTC, because the video state is saved here anyway.
PIA1 6520 The PIA for the interrupts, tape and the keyboard
PIA2 6520 The PIA for the IEEE488-bus
VIA 6522 The VIA for IEEE488, userport, sound
ACIA1 6551 The ACIA for the SuperPET. This module is optional.
DWWPIA 6520 The PIA for the DWW hires board.
CPU6809 6809 The extra CPU in the SuperPET. This module is optional.
* Drive modules The emulated drive(s) have their own modules see section Drive modules xcbm2 and xcbm5x0 modules

The modules in the xcbm2 and xcbm5x0 emulators are:

Name Type Description
MAINCPU 6502 The Main CPU - although it is a 6509, only the 6502 core is saved here
CBM2MEM Memory Holds the RAM contents of the CBM-II models. Also holds the exec-bank and indirection bank registers
C500DATA Holds additional state information necessary for the C500 (e.g. cycles till the next IRQ)
CBM2ROM Memory optional. Holds the ROM images.
CRTC 6545 The video chip for the C6*0 and C7*0 models (only those models).
VIC-II 656? The video chip for the C5*0 models (only the C5*0 models).
CIA1 6526 The CIA for IEEE 488 and userport.
TPI1 6525 TPI 1 for IEEE488
TPI2 6525 TPI 2 for interrupts and keyboard.
ACIA1 6551 The RS232 interface
SID 6581 The CBM2s SID sound chip
* Drive modules The emulated drive(s) have their own modules see section Drive modules Drive modules

The modules for the real disk drive emulation are included in the emulator when the emulation is enabled during the writing of the snapshot.

Name Type Description
*CPU 6502 The Drive 0 CPU
* * *

9.2.2 Module formats

This section shows the basic module framework and the contents of the different types of modules.

The single chip modules contain the chip state, and sometimes additional state of the emulator. In the past we tried to make the format as implementation-independent as possible, to allow reuse of snapshots in later versions of the emulator, that however proved to be very impractical and insanely hard to maintain. Terminology

In this section we use certain abbreviations to define the types of the data saved in the snapshot.

8 bit integer.
16 bit integer. Saved with low-byte first, high-byte last.
32 bit integer. Saved with low-word first, then high-word. Each word saved with its low-byte first.
Array of BYTE values. Length depends on the description.

The tables for the single modules state the type, name and description of the data saved in the modules. The data is saved in the order it is in the tables, so no offset is given. Module framework

The VICE snapshot file starts with the magic string and includes the fileformat version number.

Type Name Description
19 BYTE MAGIC "VICE Snapshot File\032", padded with 0
BYTE VMAJOR fileformat major version number
BYTE VMINOR fileformat minor version number
16 BYTE MACHINENAME Name of emulated machine, like "PET", "CBM-II", "VIC20", "C64" or "C128". zerobyte-padded.
13 BYTE VERSION MAGIC "VICE Version\032", padded with 0
4 BYTE VERSION Release version (major, minor, micro). Byte 4 is always zero.
DWORD SVNVERSION SVN revision (or 0 if not available)

The file header is followed by a number of different snapshot modules.

Each module has a header with the information given in the table below. The header includes two version numbers, VMAJOR and VMINOR. In the past the idea was that modules with the same VMAJOR should be able to be exchanged. This however proved to be too difficult to maintain, and insanely hard to test for correctness, which is why now the emulator will reject the snapshot when it finds a module that is too old. Because of this you should not use snapshots for permanent/long term storage.

Type Name Description
16 BYTE MODULENAME The name of the module in ASCII, padded with 0 to 16 byte.
BYTE VMAJOR major version number
BYTE VMINOR minor version number
DWORD SIZE size of the module, including this header CPU 6502 module

This module saves the core 6502 state. You will find a clock value there. All other modules save their own clock values relative to this value. However, the drive modules save their clocks relative to their appropriate CPUs of course.

Type Name Description
DWORD CLK the current CPU clock value. All other clock values are relative to this.
BYTE AC Accumulator
BYTE XR X index register
BYTE YR Y index register
BYTE SP Stack Pointer
WORD PC Programm Counter
BYTE ST Status Registers
DWORD IRQCLK absolute CLK when the IRQ line came active
DOWRD NMICLK absolute CLK when the NMI line came active
DWORD ? ? CPU 6809 module

This module saves the core 6809 state. You will find a clock value there. All other modules save their own clock values relative to this value. However, the drive modules save their clocks relative to their appropriate CPUs of course.

Type Name Description
DWORD CLK the current CPU clock value. All other clock values are relative to this.
WORD X The X register
WORD Y The Y register
WORD U The U register
WORD PC The Program Counter register
BYTE DP The Direct Page register
BYTE CC The Condition Code register
BYTE A The A register
BYTE B The B register
The following are for 6309 compatibility:
WORD V The V register
BYTE E The E register
BYTE F The F register CIA module

The CIA 6526 is an I/O port chip with 2 8-bit I/O ports, a shift register, two timers, a Time of Day clock and interrupts.

Version numbers: Major 1, Minor 1.

Type Name Description
BYTE ORA Output register A
BYTE ORB Output register B
BYTE DDRA Data direction register A
BYTE DDRB Data direction register B
WORD TAC Timer A counter value
WORD TBC Timer B counter value
BYTE TOD_TEN Time of Day - current tenth of second
BYTE TOD_SEC Time of Day - current seconds
BYTE TOD_MIN Time of Day - current minutes
BYTE TOD_HR Time of Day - current hours
BYTE SDR contents of shift register
BYTE IER mask of enabled interrupt masks
BYTE CRA Control register A
BYTE CRB Control register B
WORD TAL Timer A latch value
WORD TBL Timer B latch value
BYTE IFR mask of currently active interrupts
BYTE PBSTATE Bit 6/7 reflect the PB6/7 toggle bit state. Bit 2/3 reflect the corresponding port bit state.
BYTE SRHBITS number of half-bits to still shift in/out SDR
BYTE ALARM_TEN Time of Day - alarm tenth of second
BYTE ALARM_SEC Time of Day - alarm seconds
BYTE ALARM_MIN Time of Day - alarm minutes
BYTE ALARM_HR Time of Day - alarm hours
BYTE READICR current clock minus the clock when ICR was read last plus 128.
BYTE TODLATCHED Bit 0: 1= latched for reading, Bit 1: 2=stopped for writing
BYTE TODL_TEN Time of Day - latched tenth of second
BYTE TODL_SEC Time of Day - latched seconds
BYTE TODL_MIN Time of Day - latched minutes
BYTE TODL_HR Time of Day - latched hours
DWORD TOD_TICKS clk ticks till next tenth of second
-- -- The next items have been added in V1.1
WORD TASTATE The state bits of the CIA timer A, according to ciatimer.h
WORD TBSTATE The state bits of the CIA timer B, according to ciatimer.h

The last two items have been added in CIA snapshot version 1.1 due to the improved CIA emulation in the newer VICE versions. Some state bits correspond to the CIA state as described in the "A Software Model of the CIA 6526" document by Wolfgang Lorenz, some are delayed versions. For more read the source file ciatimer.h. VIA module

The VIA 6522 is the predecessor of the CIA and also an I/O port chip with 2 8-bit I/O ports, a shift register, two timers and interrupts.

Version numbers: Major 1, Minor 0.

Type Name Description
BYTE ORA Output register A
BYTE DDRA Data direction register A
BYTE ORB Output register B
BYTE DDRB Data direction register B
WORD T1L Timer 1 Latch value
WORD T1C Timer 1 counter value
BYTE T2L Timer 2 latch (8 bit as only lower byte is used)
WORD T2C Timer 2 counter value
BYTE RUNFL bit 7: timer 1 will generate IRQ on underflow; bit 6: timer 2 will generate IRQ on underflow
BYTE SR Shift register value
BYTE ACR Auxiliary control register
BYTE PCR Peripheral control register
BYTE IFR active interrupts
BYTE IER interrupt mask
BYTE PB7 bit 7 = pb7 state
BYTE SRHBITS number of half-bits to shift out on SR
BYTE CABSTATE bit 7: state of CA2 pin, bit 6: state of CB2 pin
BYTE ILA Port A Input Latch (see ACR bit 0)
BYTE ILB Port B Input Latch (see ACR bit 1) PIA module

The PIA 6520 is a chip with two I/O ports (Parallel Interface Adapter) and four additional handshake lines. The chip is pretty the same for Port A and B, only that Port A implements handshake on read operation and port B on write operation.

Version numbers: Major 1, Minor 0.

Type Name Description
UBYTE ORA Output register A
UBYTE DDRA Data Direction Register A
UBYTE CTRLA Control Register A
UBYTE ORB Output register B
UBYTE DDRB Data Direction Register B
UBYTE CTRLB Control Register B
UBYTE CABSTATE Bit 7 = state of CA2, Bit 6 = state of CB2 TPI module

The TPI 6525 is a chip with three I/O ports (Tri-Port-Interface). One of the ports can double as an interrupt prioritizer. Therefore we also have to save the states of the interrupt stack etc.

Version numbers: Major 1, Minor 0.

Type Name Description
BYTE PRA Port A output register
BYTE PRB Port B output register
BYTE PRC Port C output register (doubles as IRQ latch register)
BYTE DDRA Port A data direction register
BYTE DDRB Port B data direction register
BYTE DDRC Port C data direction register (doubles as IRQ mask register)
BYTE CR Control Register
BYTE AIR Active interrupt register
BYTE STACK Interrupt stack - the interrupt bits that are not (yet) served.
BYTE CABSTATE State of CA/CB pins. Bit 7 = state of CA, Bit 6 = state of CB RIOT module

The RIOT 6532 is a chip with two I/O ports, some RAM and a Timer. The chip contains 128 byte RAM, but the RAM is not saved in the RIOT snapshot, but in the memory section.

Version numbers: Major 0, Minor 0.

Type Name Description
BYTE ORA Port A output register
BYTE DDRA Port A data direction register
BYTE ORB Port B output register
BYTE DDRB Port B data direction register
BYTE EDGECTRL Bit 0/1: A0/A1 address bits written to edgecontrol registers
BYTE IRQFL Bit 6/7: A6/A7 IRQ flag register. Bit 0: state of the IRQ line (0=inactive, 1=active)
BYTE N timer value
WORD DIVIDER Pre-scale divider value (1, 8, 64, or 1024)
WORD REST cycles since the last counter change
BYTE IRQEN Bit 0: 0= timer IRQ disabled, 1= timer IRQ enabled SID module ACIA module

The ACIA 6551 is an RS232 interface chip. VICE emulates RS232 connections via /dev/ttyS* (Unix) or COM: (DOS/WIN - not yet?). When saving a snapshot, those connections are of course lost. The state of the ACIA however is restored if possible. I.e. if a connection is already open when restoring the snapshot, this connection is used instead. If no connection is open, a carrier/DTR drop is emulated.

Version numbers: Major 1, Minor 0.

Type Name Description
BYTE TDR Transmit Data Register
BYTE RDR Receiver Data Register
BYTE SR Status Register
BYTE CMD Command Register
BYTE CTRL Ctrl Register
BYTE INTX 0 = no data to tx; 1 = Data is being transmitted; 2 = Data is being transmitted while data in TDR waiting to be put to internal transmit register
DWORD TICKS Clock ticks till the next TDR empty interrupt VIC-I module VIC-II module CRTC module

Version numbers: Major 1, Minor 1.

Type Name Description
Hardware options
WORD VADDR_MASK Mask of the address bits valid when accessing the video memory
WORD VADDR_CHARSWITCH If one bit in the video address is used to switch the character generator, it is masked here.
WORD VADDR_CHAROFFSET The offset in characters in the character generator that CHARSWITCH switches.
WORD VADDR_REVSWITCH If one bit in the video address inverts the screen, it is masked here.
WORD CHARGEN_MASK size of character generator in byte - 1
WORD CHARGEN_OFFSET offset given by external circuitry
BYTE HW_CURSOR external hardware cursor circuitry enabled
BYTE HW_COLS number of displayed columns during one character clock cycle
BYTE HW_BLANK set if the hardware blank feature is available
CRTC register
20 BYTE REGISTERS register DUMP of the CRTC registers 0-19.
CRTC internal registers
BYTE REGNO The current index in the CRTC register file
BYTE CHAR The current cycle within the current rasterline
BYTE CHARLINE The current character line
BYTE YCOUNTER The current rasterline in the character
BYTE CRSRCNT Framecounter for the blinking cursor
BYTE CRSRSTATE if set the hardware cursor is visible
BYTE CRSRLINES set if ycounter is within the active cursor rasterlines for a char
WORD CHARGEN_REL relative base of currently used character generator in ROM (in byte)
WORD SCREEN_REL screen address to load the counter at the beginning of the next rasterline
WORD VSYNC number of rasterlines left within vsync; 0 = not in vsync
BYTE VENABLE vertical enable flipflop; 1= display, 0= blank.
(VICE-dependent?) variables
WORD SCREEN_WIDTH width of the current display window
WORD SCREEN_HEIGHT height of the current display window
WORD SCREEN_XOFFSET x position where the first character in a line starts in the window...
WORD HJITTER ...but only after adding this jitter
WORD SCREEN_YOFFSET x position where the first character in a line starts in the window...
WORD FRAMELINES expected number of rasterlines for the current frame
WORD CURRENT_LINE current rasterline as seen from the CRTC
This value has been added in module version V1.1
BYTE FLAG Bit 0: If 1 then bit in VADDR_REVSWITCH must be set for reverse; if 0 then bit must be cleared for reverse.

Here is the reference for the previous CRTC snapshot module. It is outdated and will not be read by this and later versions of VICE.

Version numbers: Major 0, Minor 0.

Type Name Description
BYTE RASTERY The number of clock cycles from rasterlines start
WORD RASTERLINE The current rasterline
WORD ADDRMASK The address mask valid for the CRTC. All memory accesses are masked with this value
BYTE HWFLAG Bit 0: 1= hardware cursor available. Bit 1: 1= number of columns is doubled by external hardware
20 BYTE REGISTERS register DUMP of the CRTC registers 0-19.
BYTE CRSRSTATE Hardware cursor: Bits 0-3: frame counter till next crsr line toggle. Bit 7: 1= cursor line active C64 memory module

The C64 memory module actually consists of two modules. The "C64MEM" module is mandatory and contains the RAM dump. The "C64ROM" module is optional and contains a dump of the ROM images.

The size of the C64 memory modules differs with each different memory configuration. The RAM configuration is saved in the snapshot, and restored when the snapshot is loaded.

Version numbers: Major 0, Minor 0

The C64MEM module

Type Name Description
BYTE CPUDATA CPU port data byte
BYTE CPUDIR CPU port direction byte
BYTE EXROM state of the EXROM line (?)
BYTE GAME state of the GAME line (?)

The C64ROM module

Type Name Description
ARRAY KERNAL 8KiB dump of the kernal ROM
ARRAY BASIC 8KiB dump of the basic ROM
ARRAY CHARGEN 4KiB dump of the chargen ROM C128 memory module

The C128 memory module actually consists of two modules. The "C128MEM" module is mandatory and contains the RAM dump. The "C128ROM" module is optional and contains a dump of the ROM images.

The size of the C128 memory modules differs with each different memory configuration. The RAM configuration is saved in the snapshot, and restored when the snapshot is loaded. The attached cartridges are also restored upon load if they have been saved in the snapshot.

Version numbers: Major 0, Minor 0

The C128MEM module

Type Name Description
12 BYTE MMU dump of the 12 MMU registers
ARRAY RAM 128KiB RAM dump banks 0 and 1

The C128ROM module

Type Name Description
ARRAY KERNAL 8KiB dump of the kernal ROM
ARRAY BASIC 32KiB dump of the basic ROM
ARRAY EDITOR 4KiB dump of the editor ROM
ARRAY 4KiB CHARGEN dump of the chargen ROM VIC20 memory module

The VIC20 memory module actually consists of two modules. The "VIC20MEM" module is mandatory and contains the RAM dump. The "VIC20ROM" module is optional and contains a dump of the ROM images.

The size of the VIC20 memory modules differs with each different memory configuration. The RAM configuration is saved in the snapshot, and restored when the snapshot is loaded. The attached cartridges are also restored upon load if they have been saved in the snapshot.

The VIC20MEM module

Version numbers: Major 1, Minor 0

Type Name Description
BYTE CONFIG Configuration register. Bits 0,1,2,3,5 reflect if the corresponding memory block is RAM (bit=1) or not (bit=0).
ARRAY RAM0 1KiB RAM dump $0000-$03ff
ARRAY RAM1 4KiB RAM dump $1000-$1fff
ARRAY COLORRAM 2KiB Color RAM, $9400-$9bff
ARRAY BLK0 if CONFIG & 1 then: 3KiB RAM dump $0400-$0fff
ARRAY BLK1 if CONFIG & 2 then: 8KiB RAM dump $2000-$3fff
ARRAY BLK2 if CONFIG & 4 then: 8KiB RAM dump $4000-$5fff
ARRAY BLK3 if CONFIG & 8 then: 8KiB RAM dump $6000-$7fff
ARRAY BLK5 if CONFIG & 32 then: 8KiB RAM dump $a000-$bfff

The VIC20ROM module

Version numbers: Major 1, Minor 1

Type Name Description
BYTE CONFIG Bit 0: 1= ROM block $2*** enabled. Bit 1: 1= ROM block $3*** enabled. Bit 2: 1= ROM block $4*** enabled. Bit 3: 1= ROM block $5*** enabled. Bit 4: 1= ROM block $6*** enabled. Bit 5: 1= ROM block $7*** enabled. Bit 6: 1= ROM block $A*** enabled. Bit 7: 1= ROM block $B*** enabled.
ARRAY KERNAL 8KiB KERNAL ROM image $e000-$ffff
ARRAY BASIC 16KiB BASIC ROM image $c000-$dfff
ARRAY BLK1A 4KiB ROM image $2*** (if CONFIG & 1)
ARRAY BLK1B 4KiB ROM image $3*** (if CONFIG & 2)
ARRAY BLK3A 4KiB ROM image $6*** (if CONFIG & 16)
ARRAY BLK3B 4KiB ROM image $7*** (if CONFIG & 32)
ARRAY BLK5A 4KiB ROM image $A*** (if CONFIG & 64)
ARRAY BLK5B 4KiB ROM image $B*** (if CONFIG & 128)
ARRAY BLK2A 4KiB ROM image $4*** (if CONFIG & 4; added in V1.1)
ARRAY BLK2B 4KiB ROM image $5*** (if CONFIG & 8; added in V1.1) PET memory module

The PET memory module actually consists of three modules. The "PETMEM" module is mandatory and contains the RAM dump. The "PETROM" module is optional and contains a dump of the ROM images. The "PETDWW" module is also optional and contains the image of the hires expansion board (if enabled).

The size of the PET memory modules differs with each different memory configuration. The RAM configuration is saved in the snapshot, and restored when the snapshot is loaded.

The PETMEM module

Version numbers: Major 1, Minor 3

expansion memory in OS-9 flat mode.
Type Name Description
BYTE CONFIG Configuration value. Bits 0-3: 0= 40 col PET without CRTC; 1= 40 col PET with CRTC; 2 = 80 col PET (with CRTC); 3= SuperPET; 4= 8096; 5= 8296. Bit 6: 1= RAM at $9***. Bit 7: 1= RAM at $A***.
BYTE KEYBOARD Keyboard type. 0= UK business; 1= Graphics; 2= German business
BYTE MEMSIZE memory size of low 32KiB in k (possible values 4, 8, 16, 32)
BYTE CONF8X96 Value of the 8x96 configuration register
BYTE SUPERPET SuperPET config. Bit 0: 1= $9*** RAM enabled. Bit 1: 1= RAM write protected. Bit 2: 1= CTRL register write protected. Bit 3: 0= DIAG pin active. Bits 4-7: RAM block in use.
ARRAY RAM 4-32KiB RAM (not 8296, size depends on MEMSIZE)
ARRAY VRAM 2/4KiB RAM (not 8296, size depends on CONFIG)
ARRAY EXTRAM 64KiB expansion RAM (SuperPET and 8096 only)
ARRAY RAM 128KiB RAM (8296 only)
-- -- The following item has been added in V1.1
BYTE POSITIONAL bit 0=0 = symbolic keyboard mapping, bit 0=1 = positional mapping.
-- -- The following item has been added in V1.2
BYTE EOIBLANK bit 0=0 = EOI does not blank screen, bit 0=1 = EOI blanks screen.
-- -- The following items have been added in V1.3
WORD CPU_SWITCH 6502 / 6809 / PROG
BYTE VAL, PREVODD, WANTODD 6702 dongle state information
BYTE SuperPET config 2 Extra bits due to the Super-OS-9 MMU. Bit 5: FIRQ disabled. Bit 6:

The POSITIONAL item has been added in PETMEM snapshot version 1.1. It is ignored by earlier restore routines (V1.0) and the V1.1 restore routines do not change the current setting when reading a V1.0 snapshot.

In V1.2 the new EOIBLANK variable has been added. This implements the "blank screen on EOI" feature that was previously linked to a wrong resource.

In V1.3 the state for SuperPET has been added.

The PETROM module

Version numbers: Major 1, Minor 1

Type Name Description
BYTE CONFIG Bit 0: 1= $9*** ROM included. Bit 1: 1= $A*** ROM included. Bit 2: 1= $B*** ROM included. Bit 3: 1= $e900-$efff ROM included. Bit 4: 1= SuperPET ROMs included.
ARRAY KERNAL 4KiB KERNAL ROM image $f000-$ffff
ARRAY EDITOR 2KiB EDITOR ROM image $e000-$e7ff
ARRAY ROM9 4KiB $9*** ROM image (if CONFIG & 1)
ARRAY ROMA 4KiB $A*** ROM image (if CONFIG & 2)
ARRAY ROMB 4KiB $B*** ROM image (if CONFIG & 4)
ARRAY ROMC 4KiB $C*** ROM image
ARRAY ROMD 4KiB $D*** ROM image
ARRAY ROME9 7 blocks $e900-$efff ROM image (if CONFIG & 8)
-- -- The following items have been added in V1.1
ROM6809 ROM6809 24KiB $A000-$FFFF ROM (if CONFIG & 16)
ARRAY CHARGEN(2) upper half of CHARGEN (if CONFIG & 16)

The PETDWW module

For storing the state of the DWW hires expansion board, there is a PETDWWPIA module, and a DWWMEM module.

The former has the same format as the PIA1.

Type Name Description
WORD SIZE The size of the memory dump that follows, or 0 if DWW disabled.
ARRAY MEM The memory in the DWW card, SIZE bytes. CBM-II memory module

The CBM-II memory module actually consists of two modules. The "CBM2MEM" module is mandatory and contains the RAM dump. The "CBM2ROM" module is optional and contains a dump of the ROM images.

The size of the CBM-II memory modules differs with each different memory configuration. The RAM configuration is saved in the snapshot, and restored when the snapshot is loaded.

Version numbers: Major 1, Minor 0

The CBM2MEM module

Type Name Description
UBYTE MEMSIZE Memory size in 128KiB blocks (1=128KiB, 2=256KiB, 4=512KiB, 8=1024KiB)
UBYTE CONFIG Bit 0 = $f0800-$f0fff RAM, Bit 1 = $f1000-$f1fff RAM, Bit 2 = $f2000-$f3fff RAM, Bit 3 = $f4000-$f5fff RAM, Bit 4 = $f6000-$f7fff RAM, Bit 5 = $fc000-$fcfff RAM, Bit 6 = is a C500
UBYTE HWCONFIG Bit 0/1: model line configuration
UBYTE EXECBANK CPUs execution bank register
UBYTE INDBANK CPUs indirection bank register
ARRAY SYSRAM 2KiB system RAM $f0000-$f07ff
ARRAY VIDEO 2KiB video RAM $fd000-$fd7ff
ARRAY RAM RAM dump, size according to MEMSIZE
ARRAY RAM08 if memsize < 1MiB and CONFIG & 1 : 2KiB RAM $f0800-$f0fff
ARRAY RAM1 if memsize < 1MiB and CONFIG & 2 : 4KiB RAM $f1000-$f1fff
ARRAY RAM2 if memsize < 1MiB and CONFIG & 4 : 8KiB RAM $f2000-$f3fff
ARRAY RAM4 if memsize < 1MiB and CONFIG & 8 : 8KiB RAM $f4000-$f5fff
ARRAY RAM6 if memsize < 1MiB and CONFIG & 16 : 8KiB RAM $f6000-$f7fff
ARRAY RAMC if memsize < 1MiB and CONFIG & 32 : 4KiB RAM $fc000-$fcfff

The RAM* arrays are only saved if the RAM itself is less than 1MiB. If the memory size is 1MiB then those areas are taken from the bank 15 area of the normal RAM.

The memory array starts at $10000 if the memory size is less than 512KiB, or at $00000 if 512KiB or more. In case of a C510, then the memory array also always starts at $00000.

The CBM2ROM module

Type Name Description
UBYTE CONFIG Bit 1: 1= $1*** ROM image included. Bit 2: 1= $2000-$3fff ROM image included. Bit 3: 1= $4000-$5fff ROM image included. Bit 4: 1= $6000-$7fff ROM image included. Bit 5: 1= chargen ROM is VIC-II chargen, 0= CRTC chargen.
ARRAY KERNAL 8 KERNAL ROM image ($e000-$efff)
ARRAY BASIC BASIC ROM image ($8000-$bfff)
ARRAY ROM1 4KiB cartridge ROM image for $1*** (if CONFIG & 2)
ARRAY ROM2 8KiB cartridge ROM image for $2000-$3fff (if CONFIG & 4)
ARRAY ROM4 8KiB cartridge ROM image for $4000-$5fff (if CONFIG & 8)
ARRAY ROM6 8KiB cartridge ROM image for $6000-$7fff (if CONFIG & 16) C500 data module

The C500 data module contains simple state information not already saved in the other modules.

Version numbers: Major 0, Minor 0

The C500DATA module

Type Name Description
DWORD IRQCLK CPU clock ticks till next 50Hz IRQ

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