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6 Settings and resources

In the VICE emulators, all the settings are stored in entities known as called resources. Each resource has a name and a value which may be either an integer or a string. Integer values are often used as boolean values with the usual convention of using zero for "false" and any other value for "true".

Resource values can be changed via the the options menu, via command-line options, using monitor commands, or via the resource file.

The resource file is a human-readable file containing resource values: On windows systems it is called `vice.ini' and is usually stored in the users roaming profile directory (something like `C:\Users\'<username>`\AppData\Roaming\vice'). Additionally the emulators will look in the program directory at startup, and use `vice.ini' if it exists there. On unix systems the resource file is called `vicerc' and is stored in the users config directory according to the XDG specification (usually `/home/'<username>`/.config/vice/'). Additionally the emulators will look if `.vicerc' exists in the users home directory, and use that if so.

It is possible to dump the current values of the resources into that file or load the values stored into that file as the current values, at any time. This is achieved with the "Save settings" and "Load settings" right menu items. A third menu item, "Restore Default Settings", can be used to reset all the values to the factory defaults.

A special resource, SaveResourcesOnExit, if set to a non zero value, causes the emulator to save the current (changed) settings before exiting, and can be toggled with the "Save settings on exit" item from the options menu.

6.1 Format of resource files

A resource file is made up of several sections; sections have the purpose of separating the resources of a certain emulator from the ones of the other emulators. A section starts with the name of an emulator in brackets (e.g., `[C64]') and ends when another section starts or when the file ends.

Every line in a section has the following format:


where RESOURCE is the name of a resource and VALUE is its assigned value. Resource names are case-sensitive and resource values are either strings or integers. Strings must start and end with a double quote character ("), while integers must be given in decimal notation.

Here is an example of a stripped-down `.vice/vicerc' file:


Notice that, when resource values are saved with "Save settings", the emulator only modifies its own section, leaving the others unchanged.

6.2 Using command-line options to change resources

Resources can also be changed via command-line options.

Command-line options always override the defaults from .vice/vicerc, and their assignments last for the whole session. So, if you specify a certain command-line option that changes a certain resource from its default value and then use "Save Settings", the value specified with the command-line option will be saved back to the resource file.

Command-line options can begin with with a minus sign (`-') or with a plus sign (`+'). Options beginning with a minus sign may require an additional parameter, while the ones beginning with the plus sign never require one.

Moreover, options beginning with a plus sign always have a counterpart with the same name, but with a minus sign; in that case, the option beginning with a minus sign is used to enable a certain feature, while the one beginning with a plus sign is used to disable the same feature (this is an X11 convention). For example, -warp enables initial warp mode, while +warp disables it.

6.3 Autostart settings

6.3.1 Autostart resources

All these resources are available for all emulators except vsid.

String specifying the filename of the disk image used when autostarting a prg file and "copy to D64" is enabled (all emulators except vsid).
Boolean, if true load to basic start using ,8 when autostarting from disk, else use ,8,1 to load absolute. (all emulators except vsid).
Boolean, if true load to basic start using ,1 when autostarting from tape, else use ,1,1 to load absolute. (all emulators except vsid).
Boolean, if true put a colon after the load command when autostarting (all emulators except vsid).
Boolean, if true handle (enable/disable) True Drive Emulation on autostart (all emulators except vsid). This is disabled by default to ensure maximum compatibility.
Boolean, if true temporarily enable warp mode when autostarting (all emulators except vsid).
Integer specifying the autostart mode for prg files (all emulators except vsid). (0: virtual filesystem, 1: inject to RAM, 2: copy to D64)
Boolean, enables a short (0-10 frames) random delay on autostart. This is added to the AutostartDelay (all emulators except vsid).
Integer specifying the delay in seconds required to wait for the kernal reset routine before autostart. (0: use builtin value for standard kernal) When tweaking this value start with 'large' values and then lower it, a value that is too small results in autostart not happening. (all emulators except vsid). (0..1000)
Use autostart when double clicking on a file in the file list. (only in the GTK3 GUI) (all emulators except vsid)
Integer specifying autostart behaviour when dropping an image on the emulator window using drag-n-drop (all emulators except vsid). (0: attach only, 1: attach and load, 2: attach, load and run)

6.3.2 Autostart command-line options

All these command-line options are available for all emulators except vsid.

-autostartprgdiskimage <Name>
Set disk image for autostart of PRG files (AutostartPrgDiskImage) (all emulators except vsid).
On autostart from disk, load to BASIC start (without ',1') (AutostartBasicLoad=1) (all emulators except vsid).
On autostart from disk, load with ',1' (AutostartBasicLoad=0) (all emulators except vsid).
On autostart from tape, load to BASIC start (without ',1') (AutostartTapeBasicLoad=1) (all emulators except vsid).
On autostart from tape, load with ',1' (AutostartTapeBasicLoad=0) (all emulators except vsid).
-autostarttapoffset <Offset>
Set initial offset in the .tap file (useful for emulator frontends)
On autostart, use the 'RUN' command with a colon, i.e., 'RUN:' (AutostartRunWithColon=1). (all emulators except vsid)
On autostart, do not use the 'RUN' command with a colon; i.e., 'RUN' (AutostartRunWithColon=0) (all emulators except vsid).
Handle/Do not handle True Drive Emulation on autostart (AutostartHandleTrueDriveEmulation=1, AutostartHandleTrueDriveEmulation=0) (all emulators except vsid).
Enable/disable warp mode during autostart (AutostartWarp=1, AutostartWarp=0) (all emulators except vsid).
-autostartprgmode <Mode>
Set autostart mode for PRG files (AutostartPrgMode) (all emulators except vsid). (0: virtual filesystem, 1: inject to RAM, 2: copy to D64)
Enable/disable random delay on autostart (AutostartDelayRandom) (all emulators except vsid).
-autostart-delay <seconds>
Set initial autostart delay in seconds for the kernal reset routine before autostart. (0: use builtin value for standard kernal). When tweaking this value start with 'large' values and then lower it, a value that is too small results in autostart not happening. (AutostartDelay) (all emulators except vsid). (0..1000)
Enable/disable using autostart when double clicking on a file in the file list. (AutostartOnDoubleClick) (only in the GTK3 GUI) (all emulators except vsid)
-autostart-drop-mode <mode>
Set autostart behaviour on dropping an image onto the emulator window (AutostartDropMode) (all emulators exceot vsid). (0/"attach": attach only, 1/"load": attach and load, 2/"run": attach, load and run)

6.4 Performance settings

It is possible to control the emulation speed by using the "Maximum speed" item in the speed setting. The default setting is 100, which causes the emulation to never run faster than the real machine. A higher value allows the emulator to run faster, a lower one may force it to run slower. A specific FPS may also be targeted.

Moreover, a special warp speed mode is provided and can be toggled with the "Enable Warp Mode" menu item. If this mode is enabled, it will cause the emulator to disable any speed limit, turn sound output off and use a 1/10 refresh rate, so that it will run at the maximum possible speed.

6.4.1 Performance resources

Integer specifying the maximum relative speed, as a percentage. 0 stands for "no limit".
Booolean specifying whether "warp mode" is initially enabled.

6.4.2 Performance command-line options

-speed <value>
A positive <value> specifies the maximum speed as a percentage. A negative <value> results in a target FPS of 0 - <value> (Speed).
Enable/Disable the initial warp mode.

6.5 Video settings

The following right-button menu items control the video output. On emulators that include two video chips (like x128) all options exist twice, once for each chip.

6.6 Keyboard settings

It is possible to specify whether the "positional" or "symbolic" keyboard mapping should be used with the "Keyboard mapping type" submenu (see section 1.2 The keyboard emulation for an explanation of positional and symbolic mappings).

The keyboard settings also allows you to:

6.6.1 Keyboard resources

Integer identifying which keymap is being used. (0: symbolic, 1: positional, 2: symbolic (user), 3: positional (user)).
String specifying the name of the keymap file for the symbolic mapping (see section 1.2 The keyboard emulation (this will be set indirectly by changing KeymapIndex, KeyboardMapping or KeyboardType).
String specifying the name of the keymap file for the positional mapping (see section 1.2 The keyboard emulation (this will be set indirectly by changing KeymapIndex, KeyboardMapping or KeyboardType).
String specifying the name of the user keymap file for symbolic mapping (see section 1.2 The keyboard emulation
String specifying the name of the user keymap file for positional mapping (see section 1.2 The keyboard emulation
Integer specifying the keyboard layout of the host. (0: American 1: British 2: Danish 3: Dutch 4: Finnish 5: French 6: German 7: Italian 8: Norwegian 9: Spanish 10: Swedish 11: Swiss 12: Turkish).
Integer specifying the emulated type of keyboard. (machine specific, currently always 0 except for xpet: 0: Business (us) 1: Business (uk) 2: Business (de) 3: Business (jp) 4: Graphics (us)).

6.6.2 Keyboard command-line options

-keymap <number>
Specifies which keymap is being used (KeymapIndex 0: symbolic, 1: positional, 2: symbolic (user), 3: positional (user)).
-symkeymap <Name>
Specify filename of the symbolic user keymap file (KeymapUserSymFile).
-poskeymap <Name>
Specify filename of the positional user keymap file (KeymapUserPosFile).
-keyboardmapping <number>
Specifies the keyboard layout of the host (KeyboardMapping (0: American 1: British 2: Danish 3: Dutch 4: Finnish 5: French 6: German 7: Italian 8: Norwegian 9: Spanish 10: Swedish 11: Swiss 12: Turkish).
-keyboardtype <number>
Specifies the emulated type of keyboard (KeyboardType machine specific, currently always 0 except for xpet: 0: Business (us) 1: Business (uk) 2: Business (de) 3: Business (jp) 4: Graphics (us)).

6.7 Control port settings

The control port settings submenu allows you to select which control port device is connected to a control port.

6.7.1 Control port resources

Set the device attached to: control port 1 (x64, x64sc, x64dtv, xscpu64, x128, xcbm5x0, xplus4) control port (xvic). (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
Set the device attached to: control port 2 (x64, x64sc, x64dtv, xscpu64, x128, xcbm5x0, xplus4) (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
Set the device attached to: joystick adapter port 1 (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128, x64dtv, xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet, xvic, xplus4) (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
Set the device attached to: joystick adapter port 2 (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128, x64dtv, xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet, xvic, xplus4) (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
Set the device attached to: joystick adapter port 3 (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128, x64dtv, xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet, xvic, xplus4) (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
Set the device attached to: joystick adapter port 4 (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128, x64dtv, xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xvic) Sid Cartridge on the Plus4 (xplus4) (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
Set the device attached to: joystick adapter port 5 (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128, x64dtv, xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xvic) (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
Set the device attached to: joystick adapter port 6 (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128, x64dtv, xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xvic) (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
Set the device attached to: joystick adapter port 7 (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128, x64dtv, xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xvic) (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
Set the device attached to: joystick adapter port 8 (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128, x64dtv, xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xvic) (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
Set the device attached to: joystick adapter port 9 (xplus4) (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
Enable saving of the battery-backed real time clock data.

6.7.2 Control port command-line options

-controlport1device <device>
Set the device attached to: control port 1 (x64, x64sc, x64dtv, xscpu64, x128, xcbm5x0, xplus4) control port (xvic) (JoyPort1Device) (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
-controlport2device <device>
Set the device attached to: control port 2 (x64, x64sc, x64dtv, xscpu64, x128, xcbm5x0, xplus4) (JoyPort2Device) (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
-controlport3device <device>
Set the device attached to: joystick adapter port 1 (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128, x64dtv, xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet, xvic, xplus4) (JoyPort3Device) (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
-controlport4device <device>
Set the device attached to: joystick adapter port 2 (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128, x64dtv, xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet, xvic, xplus4) (JoyPort4Device) (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
-controlport5device <device>
Set the device attached to: joystick adapter port 3 (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128, x64dtv, xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet, xvic, xplus4) (JoyPort5Device) (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
-controlport6device <device>
Set the device attached to: joystick adapter port 4 (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128, x64dtv, xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xvic) Sid Cartridge on the Plus4 (xplus4) (JoyPort6Device) (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
-controlport7device <device>
Set the device attached to: joystick adapter port 5 (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128, x64dtv, xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xvic) (JoyPort7Device) (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
-controlport8device <device>
Set the device attached to: joystick adapter port 6 (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128, x64dtv, xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xvic) (JoyPort8Device) (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
-controlport9device <device>
Set the device attached to: joystick adapter port 7 (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128, x64dtv, xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xvic) (JoyPort9Device) (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
-controlport10device <device>
Set the device attached to: joystick adapter port 8 (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128, x64dtv, xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xvic) (JoyPort10Device) (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
-controlport11device <device>
Set the device attached to: joystick adapter port 9 (xplus4) (JoyPort11Device) (section 6.7.3 Control port and devices).
Enable/Disable saving of the battery-backed real time clock data (BBRTCSave).

6.7.3 Control port and devices

x64/x64sc/xscpu64 control ports and devices:

nr device N1 N2 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8
0 None X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
1 Joystick X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
2 Paddles X X
3 Mouse (1351) X X
4 Mouse (NEOS) X X
5 Mouse (AMIGA) X X X X X X X X X X
6 Trackball (CX22) X X X X X X X X X X
7 Mouse (ST) X X X X X X X X X X
8 Mouse (SmartMouse) X X
9 Mouse (Micromys) X X
10 KoalaPad X X
11 Lightpen (up trigger) X
12 Lightpen (left trigger) X
13 Lightpen (Datel) X
14 Lightgun (Magnum Phaser) X
15 Lightgun (Stack Rifle) X
16 Lightpen (Inkwell) X
18 Sampler (2bit) X X X X X X X X X X
19 Sampler (4bit) X X X X X X X X X X
21 Dongle (Paperclip64D) X X
22 Keypad (Coplin) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
23 Keypad (Cardco) X X
24 Keypad (CX85) X X
25 Keypad (RushWare) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
26 Keypad (CX21) X X
27 Dongle (Script 64) X X
28 Dongle (VizaWrite 64) X X
29 Dongle (WaaSoft) X X
30 SNES Pad (TrapThem) X X
31 SNES Pad (Ninja) X X
32 Spaceballs joy adapter X X
33 Inception joy adapter X X
34 MultiJoy adapter X X
36 ProtoPad X X
37 I/O Simulation device X X
38 Microflyte joystick X X
39 Dongle (Paperclip64E) X X
40 Dongle (Paperclip64SC) X X
41 Dongle (Paperclip2) X X
42 Chalkboard Powerpad X X

x128 control ports and devices:

nr device N1 N2 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8
0 None X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
1 Joystick X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
2 Paddles X X
3 Mouse (1351) X X
4 Mouse (NEOS) X X
5 Mouse (AMIGA) X X X X X X X X X X
6 Trackball (CX22) X X X X X X X X X X
7 Mouse (ST) X X X X X X X X X X
8 Mouse (SmartMouse) X X
9 Mouse (Micromys) X X
10 KoalaPad X X
11 Lightpen (up trigger) X
12 Lightpen (left trigger) X
13 Lightpen (Datel) X
14 Lightgun (Magnum Phaser) X
15 Lightgun (Stack Rifle) X
16 Lightpen (Inkwell) X
18 Sampler (2bit) X X X X X X X X X X
19 Sampler (4bit) X X X X X X X X X X
21 Dongle (Paperclip64D) X X
27 Dongle (Script 64) X X
28 Dongle (VizaWrite 64) X X
29 Dongle (WaaSoft) X X
30 SNES Pad (TrapThem) X X
31 SNES Pad (Ninja) X X
32 Spaceballs joy adapter X X
33 Inception joy adapter X X
34 MultiJoy adapter X X
36 ProtoPad X X
37 I/O Simulation device X X
38 Microflyte joystick X X
39 Dongle (Paperclip64E) X X
40 Dongle (Paperclip64SC) X X
41 Dongle (Paperclip2) X X
42 Chalkboard Powerpad X X

x64dtv control ports and devices:

nr device N1 N2 E1
0 None X X X
1 Joystick X X X
22 Keypad (Coplin) X X X
25 Keypad (RushWare) X X X
37 I/O Simulation device X X

xcbm2/xpet can handle the following devices on all control ports:

nr device
0 None
1 Joystick

xcbm5x0 control ports and devices:

nr device N1 N2 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8
0 None X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
1 Joystick X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
2 Paddles X X
3 Mouse (1351) X X
4 Mouse (NEOS) X X
5 Mouse (AMIGA) X X X X X X X X X X
6 Trackball (CX22) X X X X X X X X X X
7 Mouse (ST) X X X X X X X X X X
8 Mouse (SmartMouse) X X
9 Mouse (Micromys) X X
10 KoalaPad X X
18 Sampler (2bit) X X X X X X X X X X
19 Sampler (4bit) X X X X X X X X X X
30 SNES Pad (TrapThem) X X
31 SNES Pad (Ninja) X X
33 Inception joy adapter X X
34 MultiJoy adapter X X
36 ProtoPad X X
37 I/O Simulation device X X
38 Microflyte joystick X X

xplus4 control ports and devices:

nr device N1 N2 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 SC
0 None X X X X X X X X X X X
1 Joystick X X X X X X X X X X X
2 Paddles X
3 Mouse (1351) X
4 Mouse (NEOS) X
5 Mouse (AMIGA) X X X
6 Trackball (CX22) X X X
7 Mouse (ST) X X X
8 Mouse (SmartMouse) X
9 Mouse (Micromys) X
10 KoalaPad X
18 Sampler (2bit) X X X
19 Sampler (4bit) X X X
22 Keypad (Coplin) X X X
23 Keypad (Cardco) X
24 Keypad (CX85) X
25 Keypad (RushWare) X X X
26 Keypad (CX21) X
30 SNES Pad (TrapThem) X
36 ProtoPad X
37 I/O Simulation device X X
38 Microflyte joystick X
42 Chalkboard Powerpad X

xvic control ports and devices:

nr device N1 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8
0 None X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
1 Joystick X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
2 Paddles X
3 Mouse (1351) X
4 Mouse (NEOS) X
5 Mouse (AMIGA) X X X X X X X X X
6 Trackball (CX22) X X X X X X X X X
7 Mouse (ST) X X X X X X X X X
8 Mouse (SmartMouse) X
9 Mouse (Micromys) X
10 KoalaPad X
11 Lightpen (up trigger) X
12 Lightpen (left trigger) X
13 Lightpen (Datel) X
14 Lightgun (Magnum Phaser) X
15 Lightgun (Stack Rifle) X
16 Lightpen (Inkwell) X
18 Sampler (2bit) X X X X X X X X X
19 Sampler (4bit) X X X X X X X X X
22 Keypad (Coplin) X X X X X X X X X
23 Keypad (Cardco) X
24 Keypad (CX85) X
25 Keypad (RushWare) X X X X X X X X X
26 Keypad (CX21) X
30 SNES Pad (TrapThem) X
31 SNES Pad (Ninja) X
32 Spaceballs joy adapter X
33 Inception joy adapter X
36 ProtoPad X
37 I/O Simulation device X
38 Microflyte joystick X
42 Chalkboard Powerpad X

Meaning of abreviations used in the tables above:

abr meaning
N1 Native control port 1
N2 Native control port 2
I1 Inception Joystick adapter port 1
I2 Inception Joystick adapter port 2
I3 Inception Joystick adapter port 3
I4 Inception Joystick adapter port 4
I5 Inception Joystick adapter port 5
I6 Inception Joystick adapter port 6
I7 Inception Joystick adapter port 7
I8 Inception Joystick adapter port 8
E1 Other Joystick adapter port 1
E2 Other Joystick adapter port 2
E3 Other Joystick adapter port 3
E4 Other Joystick adapter port 4
E5 Other Joystick adapter port 5
E6 Other Joystick adapter port 6
E7 Other Joystick adapter port 7
E8 Other Joystick adapter port 8
SC xplus4 SidCart joystick port

6.8 Joystick settings

6.8.1 Joystick resources

Integer specifying which joystick device the emulator should use for joystick emulation for ports 1 - 10, respectively. (0=None, 1=Joystick 1, 2=Joystick 2, 4=Numpad, 8=Keyset 1, 16=Keyset 2 on OS/2) (0=None, 1=Numpad, 2=Keyset 1, 3=Keyset 2, 4=HID joystick 0, 5=HID joystick 1 on Mac OS X) The available joysticks might differ depending on operating system and joystick support in the OS (Linux joystick module must be available for example).
Boolean, enables autofire for joystick emulation for ports 1 - 10, respectively. (0=Off, 1=On)
Integer specifying the autofire mode to be used for for joystick emulation for ports 1 - 10, respectively. (0=Autofire when fire is pressed, 1=Permanent autofire except when fire is pressed)
Integer specifying the amount of fire button presses per second for autofire for joystick emulation for ports 1 - 10, respectively. (1-255)
Boolean, if true allow (usually impossible) bitcombinations for opposite directions. (all emulators except vsid)
Boolean, enables mouse emulation
Boolean, specified whether to save real time clock data for the SmartMouse
Integer speciftying the host input for the potentiometers of joystick port 1 (all emulators except xcbm2 and xpet) (0: Mouse, 1: Joystick axis)
Integer speciftying the host input for the potentiometers of joystick port 2 (all emulators except xcbm2, xplus4 and xvic) (0: Mouse, 1: Joystick axis)
Integers specifying the keycodes for keyset 1 (all emulators except vsid).
Integers specifying the keycodes for keyset 2 (all emulators except vsid).
Boolean that specifies whether user defined keysets are enabled (all emulators except vsid).
Integer specifying the additional keyboard delay. (0: use default)

6.8.2 Joystick command-line options

-joydev1 <range>
-joydev2 <range>
Set the device for joystick emulation of port 1 and 2, respectively. (JoyDevice1, JoyDevice2).
-extrajoydev1 <0-8>
-extrajoydev2 <0-8>
-extrajoydev3 <0-8>
-extrajoydev4 <0-8>
-extrajoydev5 <0-8>
-extrajoydev6 <0-8>
-extrajoydev7 <0-8>
-extrajoydev8 <0-8>
-extrajoydev9 <0-8>
Set device for extra joystick port 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. (JoyDevice3, JoyDevice4, JoyDevice5, JoyDevice6, JoyDevice7, JoyDevice8, JoyDevice9, JoyDevice10, JoyDevice11).
Enable/disable autofire for native joystick port 1 (JoyStick1AutoFire=1, JoyStick1AutoFire=0). (all emulators except xcbm2, xpet and vsid)
Enable/disable autofire for native joystick port 2 (JoyStick2AutoFire=1, JoyStick2AutoFire=0). (all emulators except xcbm2, xpet, xvic and vsid)
Enable/disable autofire for joystick adapter port 1 (JoyStick3AutoFire=1, JoyStick3AutoFire=0). (all emulators except vsid)
Enable/disable autofire for joystick adapter port 2 (JoyStick4AutoFire=1, JoyStick4AutoFire=0). (all emulators except vsid)
Enable/disable autofire for joystick adapter port 3 or plus4 sidcard joystick port (JoyStick5AutoFire=1, JoyStick5AutoFire=0). (all emulators except vsid)
Enable/disable autofire for joystick adapter port 4 (JoyStick6AutoFire=1, JoyStick6AutoFire=0). (all emulators except vsid)
Enable/disable autofire for joystick adapter port 5 (JoyStick7AutoFire=1, JoyStick7AutoFire=0). (all emulators except vsid)
Enable/disable autofire for joystick adapter port 6 (JoyStick8AutoFire=1, JoyStick8AutoFire=0). (all emulators except vsid)
Enable/disable autofire for joystick adapter port 7 (JoyStick9AutoFire=1, JoyStick9AutoFire=0). (all emulators except vsid)
Enable/disable autofire for joystick adapter port 8 (JoyStick10AutoFire=1, JoyStick10AutoFire=0). (all emulators except vsid)
Enable/disable autofire for joystick adapter port 9 (JoyStick11AutoFire=1, JoyStick11AutoFire=0). (xplus4 only)
-joystick1autofiremode <Mode>
Set autofire mode for native joystick port 1 (JoyStick1AutoFireMode) (all emulators except xcbm2, xpet and vsid). (0: Autofire when fire is pressed, 1: Permanent autofire except when fire is pressed)
-joystick2autofiremode <Mode>
Set autofire mode for native joystick port 2 (JoyStick2AutoFireMode) (all emulators except xcbm2, xpet, xvic and vsid). (0: Autofire when fire is pressed, 1: Permanent autofire except when fire is pressed)
-extrajoystick1autofiremode <Mode>
Set autofire mode for joystick adapter port 1 (JoyStick3AutoFireMode) (all emulators except vsid). (0: Autofire when fire is pressed, 1: Permanent autofire except when fire is pressed)
-extrajoystick2autofiremode <Mode>
Set autofire mode for joystick adapter port 2 (JoyStick4AutoFireMode) (all emulators except vsid). (0: Autofire when fire is pressed, 1: Permanent autofire except when fire is pressed)
-extrajoystick3autofiremode <Mode>
Set autofire mode for joystick adapter port 3 or plus4 sidcard joystick port (JoyStick5AutoFireMode) (all emulators except vsid). (0: Autofire when fire is pressed, 1: Permanent autofire except when fire is pressed)
-extrajoystick4autofiremode <Mode>
Set autofire mode for joystick adapter port 4 (JoyStick6AutoFireMode) (all emulators except vsid). (0: Autofire when fire is pressed, 1: Permanent autofire except when fire is pressed)
-extrajoystick5autofiremode <Mode>
Set autofire mode for joystick adapter port 5 (JoyStick7AutoFireMode) (all emulators except vsid). (0: Autofire when fire is pressed, 1: Permanent autofire except when fire is pressed)
-extrajoystick6autofiremode <Mode>
Set autofire mode for joystick adapter port 6 (JoyStick8AutoFireMode) (all emulators except vsid). (0: Autofire when fire is pressed, 1: Permanent autofire except when fire is pressed)
-extrajoystick7autofiremode <Mode>
Set autofire mode for joystick adapter port 7 (JoyStick9AutoFireMode) (all emulators except vsid). (0: Autofire when fire is pressed, 1: Permanent autofire except when fire is pressed)
-extrajoystick8autofiremode <Mode>
Set autofire mode for joystick adapter port 8 (JoyStick10AutoFireMode) (all emulators except vsid). (0: Autofire when fire is pressed, 1: Permanent autofire except when fire is pressed)
-extrajoystick9autofiremode <Mode>
Set autofire mode for joystick adapter port 9 (JoyStick11AutoFireMode) (xplus4 only). (0: Autofire when fire is pressed, 1: Permanent autofire except when fire is pressed)
-joystick1autofirespeed <1-255>
-joystick2autofirespeed <1-255>
Set the amount of presses per second for autofire for joystick emulation of port 1 and 2, respectively. (JoyStick1AutoFireSpeed, JoyStick2AutoFireSpeed).
-extrajoystick1autofirespeed <1-255>
-extrajoystick2autofirespeed <1-255>
-extrajoystick3autofirespeed <1-255>
-extrajoystick4autofirespeed <1-255>
-extrajoystick5autofirespeed <1-255>
-extrajoystick6autofirespeed <1-255>
-extrajoystick7autofirespeed <1-255>
-extrajoystick8autofirespeed <1-255>
-extrajoystick9autofirespeed <1-255>
Set the amount of presses per second for autofire for extra joystick port 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. (JoyStick3AutoFireSpeed, JoyStick4AutoFireSpeed, JoyStick5AutoFireSpeed, JoyStick6AutoFireSpeed, JoyStick7AutoFireSpeed, JoyStick8AutoFireSpeed, JoyStick9AutoFireSpeed, JoyStick10AutoFireSpeed, JoyStick11AutoFireSpeed).
Enable/disable opposite joystick directions (JoyOpposite=1, JoyOpposite=0). (all emulators except vsid)
Enable/Disable mouse grab
Enable/Disable saving of the real time clock data for the SmartMouse (SmartMouseRTCSave=1, SmartMouseRTCSave=0)
Set the host input for the potentiometers of joystick port 1 to the mouse. (PaddlesInput1=0)
Set the host input for the potentiometers of joystick port 1 to a joystick axis. (PaddlesInput1=1)
Set the host input for the potentiometers of joystick port 2 to the mouse. (PaddlesInput2=0)
Set the host input for the potentiometers of joystick port 2 to a joystick axis. (PaddlesInput2=1)
Enable/disable user defined keyset (KeySetEnable=1, KeySetEnable=0) (all emulators except vsid).
-keybuf-delay <value>
Set additional keyboard buffer delay (KbdbufDelay). (0: use default)

6.9 Sound settings

The following menu items control sound output:

6.9.1 Sound resources

Boolean specifying whether audio emulation is turned on.
Boolean specifying whether sound chips should be emulated in warp mode. (0: do not emulate sound chips in warp mode, 1: emulate sound chips also in warp mode)
Integer specifying the sampling frequency in Hz (not all the sound cards and/or sound drivers can support all the frequencies, so actually the nearest candidate will be chosen). (8000..48000)
Integer specifying the size of the audio buffer, in milliseconds.
String specifying the audio driver. Implemented drivers are: These drivers will actually be present only if the VICE configuration script detected the corresponding development support at the time of compilation.
String specifying an additional parameter for the audio driver (see SoundDeviceName).
String specifying the driver used for sound recording. Implemented drivers are: These drivers will actually be present only if the VICE configuration script detected the corresponding development support at the time of compilation.
String specifying additional arguments for sound recording.
Integer specifying the fragment size. (0: very small, 1: small, 2: medium, 3: large, 4: very large)
Integer specifying the master volume in percent. (0..100)
Integer specifying the type of sound output. Output is selectable between 'system' (system decides to use mono or stereo output based on the presence of a stereo sid), 'always mono' (output is always mono, stereo streams are mixed into a mono stream) or 'always stereo' (output is always stereo, mono streams are multiplexed to a stereo stream). (0: system, 1: mono, 2: stereo)
Integer specifying the device/method to be used for sound input. (0: sample file device, 1: PortAudio device)
Integer specifying the gain to be used for sound input. (>100 increase input volume, <100: decrease input volume)
String specifying the name of the file/sample to be used as the input source for the 'file' sampler device.

6.9.2 Sound command-line options

Enable/disable sound emulation (Sound=1, Sound=0).
-soundwarpmode <mode>
Specify if sound chips should be emulated in warp mode. (SoundEmulateOnWarp). (0: do not emulate sound chips in warp mode, 1: emulate sound chips also in warp mode)
-soundrate <value>
Specify the sound playback sample rate (SoundSampleRate). (8000..48000)
-soundoutput <output mode>
Sound output mode (SoundOutput). (0: system decides mono/stereo, 1: always mono, 2: always stereo)
-soundbufsize <value>
Specify the size of the audio buffer in milliseconds (SoundBufferSize).
-soundfragsize <value>
Set sound fragment size (SoundFragmentSize). (0: very small, 1: small, 2: medium, 3: large, 4: very large)
-sounddev <Name>
Specifies the name of the audio device (SoundDeviceName). (ahi, aix, allegro, alsa, arts, beos, bsp, coreaudio, dart, dummy, dx, hpux, midas, pulse, sdl, sgi, sun, uss, wmm)
-soundarg <args>
Specifies an additional parameter for the audio device (SoundDeviceArg).
-soundrecdev <name>
Specify recording sound driver (SoundRecordDeviceName). (aiff, dump, fs, iff, mp3, flac, ogg, speed, voc, wav)
-soundrecarg <args>
Specify initialization parameters for recording sound driver (SoundRecordDeviceArg).
-soundvolume <volume>
Specify the sound volume (SoundVolume). (0..100)
-samplerdev <device number>
Specify the device to use for audio input (SamplerDevice). (0: file device, 1: portaudio device)
-samplergain <percent>
Specify the amount of gain (volume increase/decrease) for the audio input device (SamplerGain). (0..200)
-samplename <name>
Specify the name of the file to use for the 'file' audio input device (SampleFile).

6.10 Tape settings

These settings are used to control the hardware-level emulation of the Tape drive.

6.10.1 Tape resources

Boolean specifying whether to reset (rewind) the tape when resetting the CPU.
Integer specifying the delay in cycles for a zero gap length in the tap. Mostly relevant for v0 .tap files which could not properly encode gaps > 255. The default is 2500, which is what "mtap" is using.
Integer specifying the deviation from the correct motor speed. 100000 equals 100% deviation. Default is 0.
Integer specifying the tape wobble frequency. 1000 equals 1Hz, default is 3Hz.
Integer specifying the tape wobble amplitude. 100000 equals 100% deviation of the correct motor speed. Default is 0.5%.
Integer specifying the amount of azimuth alignment error. This is right now very inaccurately simulated by adding a random amount of cycles. 1000 equals +/- one cycle. Default is 0.
Boolean specifying whether to produce audible sound when playing a tape on the datasette
Integer specifying the volume of the tape sound. Meaningful values are in the range 1-32767

6.10.2 Tape command-line options

Enable/disable automatic Datasette-Reset (DatasetteResetWithCPU=1, DatasetteResetWithCPU=0).
-dszerogapdelay <value>
Set delay in cycles for a zero gap in the tap. Mostly relevant for v0 .tap files which could not properly encode gaps > 255. (DatasetteZeroGapDelay).
-dsspeedtuning <value>
Set amount of deviation from the correct motor speed. 100000 equals 100% deviation. (DatasetteSpeedTuning).
-dstapewobblefreq <value>
Set tape wobble frequency. 1000 equals 1Hz, default is 3Hz. (DatasetteTapeWobbleFrequency).
-dstapewobbleamp <value>
Set tape wobble amplitude. 100000 equals 100% deviation of the correct motor speed. (DatasetteTapeWobbleAmplitude).
-dstapeerror <value>
Set tape alignment error. This is right now very inaccurately simulated by adding a random amount of cycles. 1000 equals +/- one cycle. (DatasetteTapeAzimuthError).
Enable/disable Datasette sound emulation (DatasetteSound=1, DatasetteSound=0).
-dssoundvolume <value>
Set the volume of the Datasette sound (DatasetteSoundVolume).

6.11 Drive settings

These settings are used to control the hardware-level emulation of the Disk drives. When hardware-level emulation is turned on, only drives 8 and 9 are being emulated.

The following settings affect both drives:

The following settings, instead, are specific of each drive:

6.11.1 Drive resources

Boolean controlling whether the "true" drive emulation is turned on.
Boolean controlling whether the drive noise emulation is turned on (all emulators except vsid).
Integer specifying the volume of the drive noise emulation (all emulators except vsid). (0..4000, 4000 equals 100.0%.)
Integers specifying the model number for drives 8 to 11. Possible values are 1541 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid], 1542 (1541-II) [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid], 1570 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid], 1571 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid], 1573 (1571CR) [x128 only], 1551 [xplus4 only], 1581 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid], 1001 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid], 2000 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid], 2031 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid], 2040 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid], 3040 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid], 4000 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid], 4040 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid], 4844 (CMD HD) [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid], 8050 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid], 8250 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid]. 9000 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid].
Integer specifying whether the RTC data of drive 8 to 11 should be saved when changed or not (drive type 2000/4000/4844 only).
integers controlling what type of parallel cable is emulated for drives 8 to 11 (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128 and xplus4 only). x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128: (0: None, 1: Standard, 2: Dolphin DOS 3, 3: Formel64) xplus4: (0: None, 1: Standard)
Booleans controlling whether Professional DOS is emulated or not for drives 8 to 11 (x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
Booleans controlling whether Supercard is emulated or not for drives 8 to 11 (x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
Booleans controlling whether StarDOS is emulated or not for drives 8 to 11 (x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
Booleans controlling whether a RAM block is emulated at $2000-$3FFF for drive 8 to 11.
Booleans controlling whether a RAM block is emulated at $4000-$5FFF for drive 8 to 11.
Booleans controlling whether a RAM block is emulated at $6000-$7FFF for drive 8 to 11.
Booleans controlling whether a RAM block is emulated at $8000-$9FFF for drive 8 to 11.
Booleans controlling whether a RAM block is emulated at $A000-$BFFF for drive 8 to 11.
Integer specifying the policy for 40-track support for drives 8 to 11. (0: never extend, 1: ask on extend, 2: extend on access)
Integers specifying the idling method for the drive CPU. See section 6.11 Drive settings. (0: none, 1: skip cycles, 2: trap idle)
Integers specifying the rotation speed of the drive, multiplied by 100, so 300rpm equals 30000.
Integers specifying the drive wobble frequency. 1000 equals 1Hz.
Integers specifying the drive wobble amplitude. 1000 equals +/- 1 RPM.
Integer specifying the size of the diskimage (in bytes) returned to SCSI capacity inquiries for CMD HDs. A disk image must be attached for a valid size to be returned. A value of "0" will report back the current image size. Values may also be followed by the suffix "K", "M", or "G" for kilobyte, megabyte, and gigabyte respectively. Default is "8G".
Strings specifying the names of the ROM images for the drive emulation. (all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid)
String specifying the name of the ROM image for the drive emulation. (xplus4 only)
String specifying the name of the ROM image for the drive emulation. (x128 only)
Strings specifying the names of the ROM images for the drive emulation. (all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid)
String specifying the filename of the 1571 professional DOS ROM image (x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
String specifying the filename of the Supercard ROM image (x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
String specifying the filename of the image of the lower half of the StarDOS ROM (x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
String specifying the filename of the current flip list. (Drive 8 only) (all emulators except vsid).
Booleans that specify whether to attach images on drives 8 to 11 read-only or not (all emulators except vsid).
Booleans that specify whether to attach images on the second drive of dual-drives 8 to 11 read-only or not (all emulators except vsid).

6.11.2 Drive command-line options

-drive8truedrive, +drive8truedrive
-drive9truedrive, +drive9truedrive
-drive10truedrive, +drive10truedrive
-drive11truedrive, +drive11truedrive
Enable/disable true drive emulation (Drive8TrueEmulation=1, Drive8TrueEmulation=0, Drive9TrueEmulation=1, Drive9TrueEmulation=0, Drive10TrueEmulation=1, Drive10TrueEmulation=0, Drive11TrueEmulation=1, Drive11TrueEmulation=0).
Enable/disable drive sound emulation (DriveSoundEmulation=1, DriveSoundEmulation=0) (all emulators except vsid).
-drivesoundvolume <Volume>
Set the volume of the drive sound emulation. (4000 equals 100.0%.) (DriveSoundEmulationVolume=0..4000) (all emulators except vsid).
-drive8type <Type>
-drive9type <Type>
-drive10type <Type>
-drive11type <Type>
Specifies the drive types for drives 8-11, respectively. Possible values for TYPE are 1541 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid], 1542 (meaning 1541-II) [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid], 1551 [xplus4 only], 1570 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid], 1571 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid], 1573 (meaning 1571cr) [x128 only], 1581 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid], 2000 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid], 4000 [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid], 4844 (meaning CMD HD) [all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid], 2031 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid], 2040 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid], 3040 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid], 4040 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid], 1001 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid], 8050 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid] 8250 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid]. and 9000 [all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid].
-drive8rtcsave, +drive8rtcsave
-drive9rtcsave, +drive9rtcsave
-drive10rtcsave, +drive10rtcsave
-drive11rtcsave, +drive11rtcsave
Enable/disable the saving of the RTC data for drive 8 to 11 when changed (drive type 2000/4000/4844 only) (Drive8RTCSave=1, Drive8RTCSave=0, Drive9RTCSave=1, Drive9RTCSave=0, Drive10RTCSave=1, Drive10RTCSave=0, Drive11RTCSave=1, Drive11RTCSave=0).
-parallel8 <type>
-parallel9 <type>
-parallel10 <type>
-parallel11 <type>
Set parallel cable type for drives 8-11 respectively (Drive8ParallelCable, Drive9ParallelCable, Drive10ParallelCable, Drive11ParallelCable) (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128 and xplus4 only). x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128: (0: None, 1: Standard, 2: Professional DOS, 3: Formel64) xplus4: (0: None, 1: Standard)
-drive8idle <method>
-drive9idle <method>
-drive10idle <method>
-drive11idle <method>
Specifies <method> as the idling method for drives 8-11 respectively (Drive8IdleMethod, Drive9IdleMethod, Drive10IdleMethod), Drive11IdleMethod). (0: none, 1: skip cycles, 2: trap idle)
-drive8extend <method>
-drive9extend <method>
-drive10extend <method>
-drive11extend <method>
Specifies <method> as the track 40 extend policy in drives 8-11 respectively (Drive8ExtendImagePolicy, Drive9ExtendImagePolicy, Drive10ExtendImagePolicy, Drive11ExtendImagePolicy). (0: never extend, 1: ask on extend, 2: extend on access)
-drive8rpm <rpm>
-drive9rpm <rpm>
-drive10rpm <rpm>
-drive11rpm <rpm>
Specifies the rotation speed of the drive, multiplied by 100 so 300rpm equal 30000.
-drive8wobblefrequency <frequency>
-drive9wobblefrequency <frequency>
-drive10wobblefrequency <frequency>
-drive11wobblefrequency <frequency>
Specifies frequency of the drive wobble. 1000 equals 1Hz.
-drive8wobbleamplitude <amplitude>
-drive9wobbleamplitude <amplitude>
-drive10wobbleamplitude <amplitude>
-drive11wobbleamplitude <amplitude>
Specifies amplitude of the drive wobble. 1000 equals +/- 1RPM.
Specifies the size of the diskimage (in bytes) returned to SCSI capacity inquiries for CMD HDs. A disk image must be attached for a valid size to be returned. A value of "0" will report back the current image size. Values may also be followed by the suffix "K", "M", or "G" for kilobyte, megabyte, and gigabyte respectively. Default is "8G".
-dos1540 <name>
Specify the ROM name for the 1540 emulation (DosName1540). (all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid)
-dos1541 <name>
Specify the ROM name for the 1541 emulation (DosName1541). (all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid)
-dos1541II <name>
Specify the ROM name for the 1541-II emulation (DosName1541ii). (all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid)
-dos1551 <name>
Specify the ROM name for the 1551 emulation (DosName1551). (xplus4 only)
-dos1570 <name>
Specify the ROM name for the 1570 emulation (DosName1570). (all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid)
-dos1571 <name>
Specify the ROM name for the 1571 emulation (DosName1571). (all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid)
-dos1571cr <name>
Specify the ROM name for the 1571 emulation (DosName1571CR). (x128 only)
-dos1581 <name>
Specify the ROM name for the 1581 emulation (DosName1581). (all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid)
-dos2000 <name>
Specify the ROM name for the FD2000 emulation (DosName2000). (all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid)
-dos4000 <name>
Specify the ROM name for the FD4000 emulation (DosName4000). (all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid)
-dosCMDHD <name>
Specify the boot ROM name for the CMD HD emulation (DosNameCMDHD). (all emulators except xcbm2, xcbm5x0, xpet and vsid)
-dos2031 <name>
Specify the ROM name for the 2031 emulation (DosName2031). (all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid)
-dos2040 <name>
Specify the ROM name for the 2040 emulation (DosName2040). (all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid)
-dos3040 <name>
Specify the ROM name for the 3040 emulation (DosName3040). (all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid)
-dos4040 <name>
Specify the ROM name for the 4040 emulation (DosName4040). (all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid)
-dos1001 <name>
Specify the ROM name for the 1001, 8050 and 8250 emulations (DosName1001). (all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid)
-dos9000 <name>
Specify the ROM name for the D9090/60 emulations (DosName9000). (all emulators except x64dtv, xplus4 and vsid)
-drive8ram2000, +drive8ram2000
-drive9ram2000, +drive9ram2000
-drive10ram2000, +drive10ram2000
-drive11ram2000, +drive11ram2000
Enable/disable 8KiB RAM expansion at $2000-$3FFF for drive 8 to 11 (Drive8RAM2000=1, Drive8RAM2000=0, Drive9RAM2000=1, Drive9RAM2000=0, Drive10RAM2000=1, Drive10RAM2000=0, Drive11RAM2000=1, Drive11RAM2000=0).
-drive8ram4000, +drive8ram4000
-drive9ram4000, +drive9ram4000
-drive10ram4000, +drive10ram4000
-drive11ram4000, +drive11ram4000
Enable/disable 8KiB RAM expansion at $4000-$5FFF for drive 8 to 11 (Drive8RAM4000=1, Drive8RAM4000=0, Drive9RAM4000=1, Drive9RAM4000=0, Drive10RAM4000=1, Drive10RAM4000=0, Drive11RAM4000=1, Drive11RAM4000=0).
-drive8ram6000, +drive8ram6000
-drive9ram6000, +drive9ram6000
-drive10ram6000, +drive10ram6000
-drive11ram6000, +drive11ram6000
Enable/disable 8KiB RAM expansion at $6000-$7FFF for drive 8 to 11 (Drive8RAM6000=1, Drive8RAM6000=0, Drive9RAM6000=1, Drive9RAM6000=0, Drive10RAM6000=1, Drive10RAM6000=0, Drive11RAM6000=1, Drive11RAM6000=0).
-drive8ram8000, +drive8ram8000
-drive9ram8000, +drive9ram8000
-drive10ram8000, +drive10ram8000
-drive11ram8000, +drive11ram8000
Enable/disable 8KiB RAM expansion at $8000-$9FFF for drive 8 to 11 (Drive8RAM8000=1, Drive8RAM8000=0, Drive9RAM8000=1, Drive9RAM8000=0, Drive10RAM8000=1, Drive10RAM8000=0, Drive11RAM8000=1, Drive11RAM8000=0).
-drive8rama000, +drive8rama000
-drive9rama000, +drive9rama000
-drive10rama000, +drive10rama000
-drive11rama000, +drive11rama000
Enable/disable 8KiB RAM expansion at $A000-$BFFF for drive 8 to 11 (Drive8RAMA000=1, Drive8RAMA000=0, Drive9RAMA000=1, Drive9RAMA000=0, Drive10RAMA000=1, Drive10RAMA000=0, Drive11RAMA000=1, Drive11RAMA000=0).
-drive8profdos, +drive8profdos
-drive9profdos, +drive9profdos
-drive10profdos, +drive10profdos
-drive11profdos, +drive11profdos
Enable/disable Professional DOS for drive 8 to 11 (Drive8ProfDOS=1, Drive8ProfDOS=0, Drive9ProfDOS=1, Drive9ProfDOS=0, Drive10ProfDOS=1, Drive10ProfDOS=0, Drive11ProfDOS=1, Drive11ProfDOS=0) (x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
-profdos1571 <name>
Specify name of Professional DOS 1571 ROM image (DriveProfDOS1571Name) (x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128).
-drive8supercard, +drive8supercard
-drive9supercard, +drive9supercard
-drive10supercard, +drive10supercard
-drive11supercard, +drive11supercard
Enable/disable Supercard for drive 8 to 11 (Drive8SuperCard=1, Drive8SuperCard=0, Drive9SuperCard=1, Drive9SuperCard=0, Drive10SuperCard=1, Drive10SuperCard=0, Drive11SuperCard=1, Drive11SuperCard=0) (x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
-supercard <name>
Specify name of Supercard ROM image (DriveSuperCardName) (x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
-drive8stardos, +drive8stardos
-drive9stardos, +drive9stardos
-drive10stardos, +drive10stardos
-drive11stardos, +drive11stardos
Enable/disable StarDOS for drive 8 to 11 (Drive8StarDos=1, Drive8StarDos=0, Drive9StarDos=1, Drive9StarDos=0, Drive10StarDos=1, Drive10StarDos=0, Drive11StarDos=1, Drive11StarDos=0) (x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
-stardos <name>
Specify name of the image of the lower half of the StarDOS ROM. (Attach the upper half using the -dos1541 option.) (DriveStarDosName) (x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
-flipname <name>
Specify name of the flip list file image (Drive 8 only) (FliplistName) (all emulators except vsid).

6.12 Peripheral settings

VICE is able to support some special peripherals:

These features depend on some kernal traps that replace the existing routines in the original Commodore operating system with custom-made C routines.

6.12.1 Settings for file system devices

These settings deal with the drive-like peripherals connected to the bus of the emulated machine. The first setting relates to the parallel IEEE488 interface. With this interface a special engine is used to listen to the bus lines to translates them to the filesystem code. Thus the PET will always detect a drive for example, but it can also use drives 10 and 11 even together with true disk drive emulation.

Four peripherals, numbered from 8 to 11, are accessible; each of them provides the following settings:

Note that, by default, all drives create P00 files on save. Resources for file system devices

Booleans that specify whether IEC device emulation for device #8 to #11 is enabled.
Integers specifying the device type for device 8-11 respectively (all emulators except vsid). (0: None, 1: Filesystem, 2: OpenCBM (Real))
Booleans specifying whether on-read support for P00 files is enabled on drives 8, 9, 10 and 11 respectively (all emulators except vsid).
Booleans specifying whether the drives should create P00 files instead of plain CBM ones for drives 8, 9, 10 and 11 respectively (all emulators except vsid).
Booleans specifying whether non-P00 files should be invisible for drives 8, 9, 10 and 11 respectively (all emulators except vsid).
Strings specifying the directories to which drives 8, 9, 10 and 11 have access (all emulators except vsid).
Boolean specifying whether filenames will get converted to 16 character long short names or not. Disabled by default.
Boolean specifying whether files in the file system can be overwritten without using "@:name", or not. Disabled by default. Command-line options for file system devices

Enable/disable IEC device emulation for device #8 (IECDevice8=1, IECDevice8=0).
Enable/disable IEC device emulation for device #9 (IECDevice9=1, IECDevice9=0).
Enable/disable IEC device emulation for device #10 (IECDevice10=1, IECDevice10=0).
Enable/disable IEC device emulation for device #11 (IECDevice11=1, IECDevice11=0).
-device8 <type>
-device9 <type>
-device10 <type>
-device11 <type>
Set device type for device 8-11 respectively (FileSystemDevice8, FileSystemDevice9, FileSystemDevice10, FileSystemDevice11) (all emulators except vsid). (0: None, 1: Filesystem, 2: OpenCBM (Real))
-fs8 <Name>
-fs9 <Name>
-fs10 <Name>
-fs11 <Name>
Specify the paths for the file system access on drives 8, 9, 10 and 11, respectively (FSDevice8Dir, FSDevice9Dir, FSDevice10Dir and FSDevice11Dir) (all emulators except vsid).
Enable/disable on-read support for P00 files on drive 8 (FSDevice8ConvertP00=1, FSDevice8ConvertP00=0) (all emulators except vsid).
Enable/disable on-read support for P00 files on drive 9 (FSDevice9ConvertP00=1, FSDevice9ConvertP00=0) (all emulators except vsid).
Enable/disable on-read support for P00 files on drive 10 (FSDevice10ConvertP00=1, FSDevice10ConvertP00=0) (all emulators except vsid).
Enable/disable on-read support for P00 files on drive 11 (FSDevice11ConvertP00=1, FSDevice11ConvertP00=0) (all emulators except vsid).
Enable/disable saving P00 files on drive 8 (FSDevice8SaveP00=1, FSDevice8SaveP00=0) (all emulators except vsid).
Enable/disable saving P00 files on drive 9 (FSDevice9SaveP00=1, FSDevice9SaveP00=0) (all emulators except vsid).
Enable/disable saving P00 files on drive 10 (FSDevice10SaveP00=1, FSDevice10SaveP00=0) (all emulators except vsid).
Enable/disable saving P00 files on drive 11 (FSDevice11SaveP00=1, FSDevice11SaveP00=0) (all emulators except vsid).
Enable/disable hiding of CBM files for drive 8 (FSDevice8HideCBMFiles=1, FSDevice8HideCBMFiles=0) (all emulators except vsid).
Enable/disable hiding of CBM files for drive 9 (FSDevice9HideCBMFiles=1, FSDevice9HideCBMFiles=0) (all emulators except vsid).
Enable/disable hiding of CBM files for drive 10 (FSDevice10HideCBMFiles=1, FSDevice10HideCBMFiles=0) (all emulators except vsid).
Enable/disable hiding of CBM files for drive 11 (FSDevice11HideCBMFiles=1, FSDevice11HideCBMFiles=0) (all emulators except vsid).
Enable/disable whether filenames will get converted to 16 character long short names (FSDeviceLongNames=1, FSDeviceLongNames=0) (all emulators except vsid).
Enable/disable whether existing files in the file system can be overwritten by default. Using OPEN or SAVE"@:name" this is always possible. (FSDeviceOverwrite=1, FSDeviceOverwrite=0) (all emulators except vsid).

6.12.2 Printer settings

The VICE emulators can emulate printers connected to either the IEC buffer or the user port. Emulation can be achieved by redirecting the printer output to a file or by piping it through an external process. This is defined by so-called printer device file names; a printer device file name can be either a simple path, or a command name preceeded by a pipe symbol `|'.

For example, printer device `filename' will cause the output to be appended to the file `filename', while printer device `|lpr' will cause the lpr command to be executed and be fed the printer output. The printer output will not be converted but saved as printed by the emulated machine.

Up to three printer devices may be specified through the following resources:

So, basically, by default printer device 1 will dump printer output to `print.dump'; printer device 2 will print it via lpr directly to the printer and device 3 will print it via petlp (a not-yet-complete utility that will produce Postscript output from the Commodore printer code) and then to the printer via lpr. Printer resources

Booleans that specify whether IEC device emulation for device #4, #5, #6 and #7 is enabled.
Strings specifying the printer devices (see section 6.12.2 Printer settings).
Integer (ranging from 0 to 2, for device 1-3) specifying what printer device (see section 6.12.2 Printer settings) the IEC printer is using.
Integer specifying how the printer (device 4-6) is being emulated. (0: None, 1: Filesystem, 2: Real)
Integer specifying how printer 7 is being emulated. (0: None, 2: Real)
String specifying the printer output driver. (raw, ascii, 2022, 4023, 8023, mps801, mps802, mps803, nl10)
String specifying the printer output driver. (raw, ascii, 2022, 4023, 8023, mps801, mps802, mps803, nl10)
String specifying the printer output driver. (raw, 1520)
Strings specifying the IEC printer output device. (text, graphics)
Integer (ranging from 0 to 2, for device 1-3) specifying what printer device the user-port printer is using.
String specifying the user-port printer output driver. (ascii/nl10/raw)
String specifying the user-port printer output device. (text, graphics) Printer command-line options

Enable/disable IEC device emulation for device #4 (IECDevice4=1, IECDevice4=0).
Enable/disable IEC device emulation for device #5 (IECDevice5=1, IECDevice5=0).
Enable/disable IEC device emulation for device #6 (IECDevice6=1, IECDevice6=0).
Enable/disable IEC device emulation for device #7 (IECDevice7=1, IECDevice7=0).
-device4 <type>
Set device type for device 4 (Printer4). (0: None, 1: Filesystem, 2: Real)
-device5 <type>
Set device type for device 5 (Printer5). (0: None, 1: Filesystem, 2: Real)
-device6 <type>
Set device type for device 6 (Printer6). (0: None, 1: Filesystem, 2: Real)
-device7 <type>
Set device type for device 7 (Printer7). (0: None, 2: Real)
-prtxtdev1 <name>
-prtxtdev2 <name>
-prtxtdev3 <name>
Specify name of printer text device or dump file (PrinterTextDevice1, PrinterTextDevice2, PrinterTextDevice3).
-pr4txtdev <0-2>
-pr5txtdev <0-2>
-pr6txtdev <0-2>
Specify printer text output device for IEC printer #4-6 (Printer4TextDevice, Printer5TextDevice, Printer6TextDevice).
-pr4output <name>
Specify name of output device for device #4 (Printer4Output). (text, graphics)
-pr5output <name>
Specify name of output device for device #5 (Printer5Output). (text, graphics)
-pr6output <name>
Specify name of output device for device #6 (Printer6Output). (text, graphics)
-pr4drv <name>
Specify name of printer driver for device #4 (Printer4Driver). (raw, ascii, 2022, 4023, 8023, mps801, mps802, mps803, nl10)
-pr5drv <name>
Specify name of printer driver for device #5 (Printer5Driver). (raw, ascii, 2022, 4023, 8023, mps801, mps802, mps803, nl10)
-pr6drv <name>
Specify name of printer driver for device #6 (Printer6Driver). (raw, 1520)
-prusertxtdev <0-2>
Specify printer text output device for userport printer (PrinterUserportTextDevice).
-pruseroutput <name>
Specify name of output device for the userport printer (PrinterUserportOutput). (text, graphics)
-pruserdrv <name>
Specify name of printer driver for the userport printer (PrinterUserportDriver).

6.12.3 Disabling kernal traps

If you have compatibility problems, you can completely disable Kernal traps with the "Disable kernal traps" option. This will of course disable all the features that depend on it, such as the fast 1541 emulation (so you will have to turn true 1541 emulation on if you want to be able to read or write disk images) and tape (t64) support.

Since the 3.0 release kernal traps have been disabled by default to ensure maximum compatibility. Resources to control Kernal traps

Boolean specifying whether all the mechanisms for virtual device emulation should be enabled. Serial IEC devices use kernal traps, parallel IEEE488 devices use an own IEEE488 engine. Both are switched on and off with this resource. Command-line options to control Kernal traps

-virtualdev1, +virtualdev1
-virtualdev2, +virtualdev2
-virtualdev4, +virtualdev4
-virtualdev5, +virtualdev5
-virtualdev6, +virtualdev6
-virtualdev7, +virtualdev7
-virtualdev8, +virtualdev8
-virtualdev9, +virtualdev9
-virtualdev10, +virtualdev10
-virtualdev11, +virtualdev11
Enable/disable virtual devices (VirtualDevice1=1, VirtualDevice1=0, VirtualDevice2=1, VirtualDevice2=0, VirtualDevice4=1, VirtualDevice4=0, VirtualDevice5=1, VirtualDevice5=0, VirtualDevice6=1, VirtualDevice6=0, VirtualDevice7=1, VirtualDevice7=0, VirtualDevice8=1, VirtualDevice8=0, VirtualDevice9=1, VirtualDevice9=0, VirtualDevice10=1, VirtualDevice10=0, VirtualDevice11=1, VirtualDevice11=0).

6.13 RS232 settings

The VICE emulators can emulate the RS232 device most of the machines have. The C64, C128 and VIC20 emulators emulate the userport RS232 interface from 300 to 57600 baud. The C64 can also use the UP9600 interface by Daniel Dallmann, using the shift registers of the two CIA 6526 chips. The PET can have a 6551 ACIA RS232 interface when running as a SuperPET, and the CBM-II has such an ACIA by default. The C64 and C128 emulators can emulate an ACIA 6551 (also known as Swiftlink, Datapump or Turbo232 for example) as extension at $de**, $df** or $d7** (C128 only).

Emulation can be achieved by either:

It is possible to define up to four serial devices, and then decide which interface should be connected to which device. This is done by so-called rs232 device file names; an rs232 device file name can be either a simple path, a network address, or a command name preceeded by a pipe symbol `|'. If the path specifies a special device (e.g. `/dev/ttyS0' or `com1') it is recognized by VICE and the emulator can set the baudrate.

For example, rs232 device `filename' will cause the output to be written (not appended) to the file `filename', while printer device `|lpr' will cause the lpr command to be executed and be fed the rs232 output. The rs232 output will not be converted but saved as sent by the emulated machine. The same holds true for the rs232 input. If the command writes data to the standard output it will be caught by VICE and sent back to the emulator. Also the data sent by the pseudo device will be sent back to VICE.

For example you can setup a null-modem cable between two serial ports of your PC, setup one port for login and use the other in VICE. Then you can login from your emulator via the RS232 emulation and the null-modem cable to your machine again.

Up to four RS232 devices may be specified through the following resources:

(Only) when using physical RS232 ports, you'll also have to specify it on the commandline or in the menu.

6.13.1 RS232 resources

Strings specifying the RS232 devices (see section 6.13 RS232 settings). The windows driver understands various options passed in the so called "mode string" after a colon after the ports name: COMx[:] [baud=b] [parity=p] [data=d] [stop=s] [to={on|off]} [xon={on|off]} [odsr={on|off]} [octs={on|off]} [dtr={on|off|hs]} [rts={on|off|hs|tg]} [idsr={on|off]}
Boolean specifying whether the respective RS232 devices (see section 6.13 RS232 settings) use the IP232 protocol supported by tcpser. This only works with Socket connections.
Boolean specifying whether the ACIA (Swiftlink, Turbo232) cartridge should be emulated or not (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128 and xvic only, and only if RS232 support is enabled and supported at compile time).
Integer specifying what RS232 device (see section 6.13 RS232 settings) the ACIA is using (all emulators except x64dtv and vsid, and only if RS232 support is enabled and supported at compile time).
Integer specifying the base address for the emulated ACIA chip (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, xvic and x128 only, and only if RS232 support is enabled and supported at compile time). (xvic: $9800/$9C00, x128: $D700/$DE00/$DF00, x64, x64sc, xscpu64: $DE00/$DF00)
Integer specifying the type of emulated RS232 interface (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, xvic and x128 only, and only if RS232 support is enabled and supported at compile time). (0: normal, 1: Swiftlink, 2: Turbo232)
Integer specifying which interrupt to use (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, xvic and x128 only, and only if RS232 support is enabled and supported at compile time). (0 = none, 1 = NMI, 2 = IRQ)
Boolean specifying if the user-port RS232 interface is of the UP9600 type. (C64 only).
Boolean specifying if the user-port RS232 Request to Send (RTS) flow control line is inverted. (C64, C128 and VIC20).
Boolean specifying if the user-port RS232 Clear to Send (CTS) flow control line is inverted. (C64, C128 and VIC20).
Boolean specifying if the user-port RS232 Data Set Ready (DSR) control line is inverted. (C64, C128 and VIC20).
Boolean specifying if the user-port RS232 Data Carrier Detect (DCD) control line is inverted. (C64, C128 and VIC20).
Boolean specifying if the user-port RS232 Data Terminal Ready (DTR) control line is inverted. (C64, C128 and VIC20).
Boolean specifying if the user-port RS232 Ring Indicator (RI) control line is inverted. (C64, C128 and VIC20).
Integer specifying the baudrate of the user-port RS232 interface (C64, C128 and VIC20). This must match the baudrate the emulated user port is being used with, and needs to be set up by the user because automatically detecting it can not be done easily (like when using ACIA)
Integer (ranging from 0 to 3, for device 1-4) specifying what RS232 device the user-port interface is using (C64, C128 and VIC20).

The following resources are only available if RS232 device support or RS232 network support is available at compile time.

Integers specifying the RS232 baudrate devices if the device file points to a special device (like `/dev/ttyS0' or `com1', ie the serial device is a physical RS232 port of the host computer; see section 6.13 RS232 settings) (all emulators except vsid).

6.13.2 RS232 command-line options

-rsdev1 <Name>
-rsdev2 <Name>
-rsdev3 <Name>
-rsdev4 <Name>
Specify <Name> as RS232 devices 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively (RsDevice1, RsDevice2 RsDevice3 and RsDevice4). The windows driver understands various options passed in the so called "mode string" after a colon after the ports name: COMx[:] [baud=b] [parity=p] [data=d] [stop=s] [to={on|off]} [xon={on|off]} [odsr={on|off]} [octs={on|off]} [dtr={on|off|hs]} [rts={on|off|hs|tg]} [idsr={on|off]}
Enable/Disable whether the respective RS232 devices (see section 6.13 RS232 settings) use the IP232 protocol supported by tcpser. This only works with Socket connections.
Enable/Disable the $DE** ACIA RS232 interface emulation (Acia1Enable=1, Acia1Enable=0) (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, x128 and xvic only, and only if RS232 support is enabled and supported at compile time).
-myaciadev <0-3>
Specify RS232 device the ACIA should work on (all emulators except x64dtv and vsid, and only if RS232 support is enabled and supported at compile time)
-acia1base <Base address>
Set the base address of the ACIA cartridge (Acia1Base) (x64, x64sc, xscpu, x128 and xvic only, and only if RS232 support is enabled and supported at compile time). (xvic: $9800/$9C00, x128: $D700/$DE00/$DF00, x64, x64sc, xscpu: $DE00/$DF00)
-acia1mode <mode>
Set the ACIA mode (Acia1Mode) (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, xvic and x128 only, and only if RS232 support is enabled and supported at compile time). (0: Normal, 1: Swiftlink, 2: Turbo232)
-acia1irq <interrupt>
Set the ACIA interrupt (Acia1Irq) (x64, x64sc, xscpu64, xvic and x128 only, and only if RS232 support is enabled and supported at compile time). (0: None, 1: NMI, 2: IRQ)
Enable or disable the userport RS232 UP9600 emulation (RsUserUP9600; C64 only)
Enable or disable inversion of the userport RS232 emulation Request To Send (RTS) flow control line.
Enable or disable inversion of the userport RS232 emulation Clear To Send (CTS) flow control line.
Enable or disable inversion of the userport RS232 emulation Data Set Ready (DSR) control line.
Enable or disable inversion of the userport RS232 emulation Data Carrier Detect (DCD) control line.
Enable or disable inversion of the userport RS232 emulation Data Terminal Ready (DTR) control line.
Enable or disable inversion of the userport RS232 emulation Ring Indicator (RI) control line.
-rsuserbaud <baud>
Set the baud rate of the RS232 userport emulation. This must match the baudrate the emulated userport is being used at.
-rsuserdev <0-3>
Specify device for the userport RS232 emulation (RsUserDev; C64, C128 and VIC20).

The following command-line options are only available if RS232 device support or RS232 network support is available at compile time.

-rsdev1baud <baudrate>
-rsdev2baud <baudrate>
-rsdev3baud <baudrate>
-rsdev4baud <baudrate>
If the serial device is a physical RS232 port, specify <baudrate> as baudrate, see section 6.13 RS232 settings; RsDevice1Baud, RsDevice2Baud RsDevice3Baud and RsDevice4Baud) (all emulators except vsid).

6.13.3 RS232 usage example

Here we give you a simple example how to set up an emulated C64 using the modem connected to your PC. The following list shows each step.

Attach your modem to your PC at a serial port.
Normally you should set it up to use the modem as "/dev/modem".
start VICE
Setup VICE to use your modem as "serial device 1"
Go to the RS232 settings menu and change "Serial 1 device" to "/dev/modem" (or the device where you attached your modem to) Then go to the RS232 settings menu and change "Serial 1 baudrate" to the baudrate your modem should run at. Watch out, e.g. on Linux there is an additional multiplier to multiply with the baudrate (so e.g. 19200 gives 115200 or so baud) See the "setserial" manpage on Linux for example. However, most modems should be able to autodetect the speed to the computer as well.
Select the RS232 emulation your programs use
If you want to use the Userport emulation, go to the RS232 settings and change "Userport RS232 Device" to "Serial 1". If you want ACIA emulation (swiftlink or what's it called?) then change "ACIA $DE** device" to "Serial 1".
Enable the emulation
Go to the RS232 settings and select either "ACIA $DE** emulation" or Userport 300/1200 baud or CIA 9600 baud emulation.
Load your program and start it.
If it is able to detect an RS232 cartridge like swiftlink or so, try to detect the ACIA emulation if enabled. Otherwise just set the baudrate to either 300, 1200, 2400 or 9600 according to what you enabled in the VICE menu for the userport.

6.14 Ethernet emulation

To use the ethernet emulation features, VICE must be configured with --enable-ethernet before compiling, and the system headers for libpcap, libnet and/or tuntap must be present.

In Windows you will have to install the npcap driver, which is available from https://npcap.com/#download (select winpcap compatibility mode when installing).

It should be clear to you that it may pose a security problem using these libraries in a network. Using libpcap can result in disclosure of any information that is available on your network which is not secured by other means! Furthermore, libnet might allow even further attacks on your infrastructure!

Installing libpcap and libnet, you acknowledge that you're well aware of these security problems and that the VICE team cannot be made responsible for any problems and/or damage which may arise from the use of these libraries! If you don't acknowledge this, don't install the tools and/or use VICE networking.

6.14.1 Ethernet usage example

6.14.2 Ethernet resources

The following are the generic ethernet resources, some more may exist for the individual emulators:

String specifying the device name of the ethernet device to use for the emulation.
String specifying the low-level ethernet driver for Ethernet Cartridge emulation (tuntap, pcap).
Boolean that specified whether ethernet emulation has been disabled because it is not available in the current configuration.

6.14.3 Ethernet command line options

-ethernetioif <name>
Set the system ethernet interface for Ethernet Cartridge emulation (ETHERNET_INTERFACE).
-ethernetiodriver <name>
Set the low-level ethernet driver for Ethernet Cartridge emulation (ETHERNET_DRIVER). (tuntap, pcap)

6.15 Tape port devices

6.15.1 Tape port resources

Set the device attached to the (first) tape port (see table below):
Set the device attached to the second tape port (xpet only, see table below):
0 None x64, x64sc, x128, xvic, xplus4, xpet, xcbm2
1 Datasette x64, x64sc, x128, xvic, xplus4, xpet, xcbm2
2 Tape RTC (PCF8583) x64, x64sc, x128, xvic, xplus4, xpet, xcbm2
3 DTL BASIC dongle x64, x64sc, x128
4 Sense dongle x64, x64sc, x128, xvic, xplus4, xpet, xcbm2
6 tapecart x64, x64sc, x128
Boolean specifying whether the CP Clock F83 (PCF8583 RTC) data is saved when changed.
Boolean, if true write back the tapecart memory contents back to the .tcrt file when detaching the image or quitting the emulator.
Boolean, when set to true the .tcrt image will be optimized by leaving out blank space at the end when saving.
Integer that specifies the tapecart emulation log level. At the default level of 0, only errors are logged. Level 1 additionally logs mode changes and command bytes and level 2 adds details of command parameters.
String specifying the file name of the current tapecart image.

6.15.2 Tape port command line options

-tapeport1device <device>
Set the device attached to the (first) tape port: (see table for TapePort1Device above).
-tapeport2device <device>
Set the device attached to the second tape port: (see table for TapePort2Device above).
Enable/Disable saving of the CP Clock F83 (PCF8583 RTC) data when changed (CPClockF83Save=1, CPClockF83Save=0).
-tcrt <name>
Specify tapecart .tcrt image filename (TapecartTCRTFilename)
Specify if the attached .tcrt image should be updated when the emulated tapecart is written to. (TapecartUpdateTCRT=1, TapecartUpdateTCRT=0)
Specify if writing to a .tcrt file should optimize its size by leaving out blank space at the end. (TapecartOptimizeTCRT=1, TapecartOptimizeTCRT=0)
-tapecartloglevel <number>
Specify the tapecart log level. The default level of 0 only logs errors. Level 1 additionally logs mode changes and command bytes and level 2 adds details of command parameters.

6.16 Userport devices

6.16.1 Userport resources

Set the device attached to the userport (see table below):
0 None x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64, x64dtv, xvic, xplus4, xpet, xcbm2
1 Userport printer x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64, xvic, xpet, xcbm2
2 Userport RS232/Modem x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64, xvic
3 CGA userport joy adapter x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64, xvic, xpet, xcbm2
4 PET userport joy adapter x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64, xvic, xpet, xcbm2
5 Hummer userport joy adapter x64dtv
6 OEM userport joy adapter x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64, xvic, xpet, xcbm2
7 HIT userport joy adapter x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64
8 KingSoft userport joy adapter x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64
9 StarByte userport joy adapter x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64
10 Synergy userport joy adapter xplus4
11 Wheel of joystick 8-joy userport joy adapter x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64, xvic, xplus4, xpet, xcbm2
12 Userport DAC x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64, xvic, xpet, xcbm2
13 Userport DigiMAX x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64, xcbm2
14 Userport 4bit sampler x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64, xcbm2
15 Userport 8bit stereo sampler x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64, xcbm2
16 Userport RTC (RTC58321A) x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64, xvic, xpet, xcbm2
17 Userport RTC (DS1307) x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64, xvic, xpet, xcbm2
18 Userport Petscii SNES pad x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64, xvic, xpet, xcbm2
19 Userport SuperPad64 x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64, xcbm2
20 Userport Diag 586220 Harness x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64
21 Userport parallel drive cable x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64, xplus4
22 Userport I/O Simulation x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64, x64dtv, xvic, xplus4, xpet, xcbm2
23 Userport WiC64 Simulation x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64, xvic
24 Joystick Adapter (Spaceballs) x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64, xvic
25 Userport Stupid Pet Tricks joystick adapter x64, x64sc, x128, xscpu64, xcbm2, xpet, xvic
26 PET Userport diagnostic pin xpet
Boolean specifying whether the userport RTC data is saved when changed or not (xpet, cbm2, x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
Boolean specifying whether the userport RTC data is saved when changed or not (xpet, cbm2, x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
String specifying the default server URL used by the wic64 emulation (vic20, x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
Integer specifying the default timezone used by the wic64 emulation (vic20, x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
String specifying the security token used by the wic64 emulation for identifying the user at the WiC64 portal. (vic20, x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
String specifying the pseudo MAC address used by the wic64 emulation for identifying the user at the WiC64 portal (vic20, x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
String specifying the IP address used by the wic64 emulation (vic20, x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
Integer, 1: user selected WiC64 tracing, 0: no tracing (vic20, x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
Integer, 1: user credentials shall be reseted if WiC64 is reseted, 0: user credentials are preseved (vic20, x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
Integer number of lines to hexdump, 0: unlimited (vic20, x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
Integer, 1-255: Timeout to wait for URLs in seconds (vic20, x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
Integer, WiC64 trace level, 0: no trace, 1: standard, 2: verbose, 3: debug (vic20, x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).

6.16.2 Userport command line options

-userportdevice <device>
Set the device attached to the userport (see table for UserportDevice above).
Disable/enable saving of the userport RTC data when changed (UserportRTC58321aSave=1, UserportRTC58321aSave=0) (xpet, cbm2, x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
Disable/enable saving of the userport RTC data when changed (UserportRTCDS1307Save=1, UserportRTCDS1307Save=0) (xpet, cbm2, x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
-wic64server <URL>
String specifying the default server URL used by the wic64 emulation, (vic20, x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
-wic64timezone <0..31>
Integer to specify default timezone index, e.g. 2: European Central Time", (vic20, x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
Resets wic64 related resources to factory defaults (including user credentials) (vic20, x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
Enable/disable WIC64 tracing on the console (vic20, x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
-wic64tracelevel <0..3>
Integer to specify WIC64 trace level (0: off, 1: commands, >2: debug), implicitly turns on/off WiC64 tracing. (vic20, x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
-wic64hexdumplines <value>
Integer to specify number of lines to hexdump, 0: unlimited, (vic20, x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).
-wic64remotetimeout <value>
Timeout to wait for URLs in seconds, 1 - 255 (vic20, x64, x64sc, xscpu64 and x128 only).

6.17 Monitor settings

This section lists command-line options specific to the built-in monitor.

6.17.1 Monitor resources

Boolean, if true the monitor window may stay open when the emulation is running, eg to look at trace-point output. (Not all ports/UIs support this, in that case this setting has no effect.)
Boolean, if true, the emulated display(s) will update as the monitor is entered and also after each command executed via the monitor. Not entirely accurate yet, as updates become visible one scanline at a time. In addtion, the image can be not quite right around the raster line being updated.
Boolean specifying whether the remote monitor server is enabled.
String specifying the address the remote monitor server listens to (ip4://
Boolean specifying whether the binary monitor server is enabled.
String specifying the address the binary monitor server listens to (ip4://
Boolean specifying whether the native monitor is enabled. When enabled, the monitor will not run in the interface of the emulator, but instead work in the spawning terminal.
Boolean specifying whether the output of the monitor will be logged to a file.
String specifying the logfile name for the monitor.
Integer specifying the number of lines to keep in the cpu history. (only when enabled in configure)
Integer specifying the number of lines to keep in the monitor scrollback buffer (-1 for no limit).
String specifying the font to use in the Gtk3 UI's VTE monitor window. Should be in the form accepted by Pango, for example "Liberation Mono 11".
String specifying the foreground color to use in the Gtk3 UI's VTE monitor window. Should be in form accepted by Pango: either a CSS color name (for example 'limegreen'), three/six digit hex string ("#rgb"/"#rrggbb") or three decimal values in the range 0-255 ("rbg(red,green,blue"), for example "rgb(27,180,33)").
String specifying the background color to use in the Gtk3 UI's VTE monitor window. Should be in form accepted by Pango: either a CSS color name (for example 'limegreen'), three/six digit hex string ("#rgb"/"#rrggbb") or three decimal values in the range 0-255 ("rbg(red,green,blue"), for example "rgb(27,180,33)").
Integer specifying the Gtk3 VTE-monitor window's X position.
Integer specifying the Gtk3 VTE-monitor window's Y position.
Integer specifying the Gtk3 VTE-monitor window's width.
Integer specifying the Gtk3 VTE-monitor window's height.

6.17.2 Monitor command-line options

-moncommands <Name>
Execute the commands from the file <Name> in the monitor after starting up. All monitor commands are supported, including playback of other command files via pb. By default, the monitor opens and starts executing the commands just before the kernal reset routine starts. The kernal startup sequence may interfere with what you are trying to achieve, for example by clearing any basic listing you may have loaded. In this case, use the -initbreak option to control when the monitor will open and execute your script. You can choose an address, or use -initbreak ready to attempt to detect when the kernel is ready and execute the script then.
-initbreak <address>
-initbreak reset
-initbreak ready
Set an initial breakpoint for the monitor. Addresses with prefix "0x" are hexadecimal. -initbreak reset will break just before the reset routine starts. -initbreak ready will attempt to break when the kernal is 'ready'.
Enable/disable keeping the monitor window open (KeepMonitorOpen=1, KeepMonitorOpen=0).
Enable/Disable refresh display when entering monitor and after each monitor command. (RefreshOnBreak=1, RefreshOnBreak=0).
Enable/Disable remote monitor
-remotemonitoraddress <name>
The local address the remote monitor should bind to
Enable/Disable binary monitor
-binarymonitoraddress <name>
The local address the binary monitor should bind to
Enable/Disable native monitor. (NativeMonitor=1, NativeMonitor=0).
Enable/Disable logging monitor output to a file. (MonitorLogEnabled=1, MonitorLogEnabled=0).
-monlogname <name>
Specify logfile name for the monitor. (MonitorLogFileName).
-monchislines <value>
Set number of lines to keep in the cpu history. (only when enabled in configure) (MonitorChisLines).
-monscrollbacklines <value>
Set number of lines to keep in the monitor scrollback buffer (-1 for no limit). (MonitorScrollbackLines).
-monitorfont <font-description>
Set the monitor font for the Gtk3 UI's VTE-monitor. (MonitorFont).
-monitorfg <colour-description>
Set the monitor foreground colour for the Gtk3 UI's VTE-monitor. (MonitorFG).
-monitorbg <colour-description>
Set the monitor background colour for the Gtk3 UI's VTE-monitor. (MonitorFG).
-monitorxpos <X-position>
Set window X position for the Gtk3 UI's VTE-monitor. (MonitorXPos).
-monitorxpos <Y-position>
Set window Y position for the Gtk3 UI's VTE-monitor. (MonitorYPos).
-monitorwidth <width>
Set window width for the Gtk3 UI's VTE-monitor. (MonitorWidth).
-monitorheight <height>
Set window height for the Gtk3 UI's VTE-monitor. (MonitorHeight).

6.18 RAM init pattern settings

The initial content of uninitialized RAM depends on many factors, the inner workings of the RAM chip, the motherboard, etc. Generally, many RAM chips are build in a way that - however - at powerup about half the bits turn out 1, and about the other half turns out 0. As a consequence, and depending on what kind of RAM chips have been used in what kind of way, the typical patterns can be "seen" by the CPU right after powerup.

VICE tries to model (some of) the real patterns accurately. Please be aware of the fact that there is - technically buggy - software out there that will only work with a certain RAM init pattern.

How generating the pattern works is easily described in three simple steps:

1. A base pattern is created using blocks of RAMInitStartValue, which is inverted every RAMInitValueInvert bytes. This pattern can be offset ("rotated") by RAMInitValueOffset bytes. This step creates the typical 00 00 ff ff ff ff 00 00 etc patterns.

2. Every RAMInitPatternInvert bytes the base pattern is inverted ("xored") by RAMInitPatternInvertValue. This step creates the inverted pattern every $4000 or so bytes that is typical for some boards/ICs. It may also create the 0x99, 0x66 based patterns that show up on other setups.

3. Every RAMInitRepeatRandom bytes RAMInitStartRandom bytes are randomly inverted ("xored"). Additionally every bit is randomly inverted with a RAMInitRandomChance : 10000 chance. This step creates the typical random bytes that have been observed with some boards/ICs.

6.18.1 RAM init pattern resources

Integer specifying the first value of the base pattern (all emulators except vsid). (0..255)
Integer specifying the number of bytes until the base pattern is inverted (all emulators except vsid).
Integer specifying the number of bytes to offset the base pattern (all emulators except vsid).
Integer specifying the length of the memory block when inverting the base pattern (all emulators except vsid).
Integer specifying the value to use for inverting the base pattern with (all emulators except vsid).
Integer specifying the number of random bytes in the random pattern (all emulators except vsid).
Integer specifying the number of bytes after which to repeat the random pattern (all emulators except vsid).
Integer specifying the chance of any bit to randomly toggle (0-4096) (all emulators except vsid).

6.18.2 RAM init pattern command-line options

-raminitstartvalue <value>
Set the first value of the base pattern (RAMInitStartValue) (all emulators except vsid). (0..255)
-raminitvalueinvert <num of bytes>
Set the number of bytes until the base pattern is inverted (RAMInitValueInvert) (all emulators except vsid).
-raminitvalueoffset <num of bytes>
Offset the first pattern by <num> of bytes (RAMInitValueOffset) (all emulators except vsid).
-raminitpatterninvert <num of bytes>
Set the length of the memory block when inverting the base pattern (RAMInitPatternInvert) (all emulators except vsid).
-raminitpatterninvertvalue <value>
Set the value to invert the base pattern with (RAMInitPatternInvertValue) (all emulators except vsid).
-raminitstartrandom <num of bytes>
Set the number of random bytes in the random pattern (RAMInitStartRandom) (all emulators except vsid).
-raminitrepeatrandom <num of bytes>
Set the number of bytes after which to repeat the random pattern (RAMInitRepeatRandom) (all emulators except vsid).
-raminitrandomchance <value>
Set the chance of any bit to randomly toggle (0-4096) (RAMInitRandomChance) (all emulators except vsid).

6.19 Debug settings

6.19.1 Debug resources

Boolean specifying whether the debug "cartridge" used for the test suite is enabled.
Integer specifying the log mode (0=none 1=only unstable 2=all) (x64sc, xvic).
Integer specifying the log mode (0=none 1=only unstable 2=all) (x64sc, xvic).

The following are only available when the emulators were compiled in DEBUG mode:

Integer specifying the trace mode (0=normal 1=small 2=history)
Amount of automatic playback frames
Trace the main CPU / Do not trace the main CPU
Trace the drive 0 CPU / Do not trace the drive 0 CPU
Trace the drive 1 CPU / Do not trace the drive 1 CPU
Trace the drive 2 CPU / Do not trace the drive 2 CPU
Trace the drive 3 CPU / Do not trace the drive 3 CPU
Trace IEC bus activity / Do not trace IEC bus activity
Trace IEEE bus activity / Do not trace IEEE bus activity

6.19.2 Debug command-line options

Enable/disable generation of core dumps (DoCoreDump=1, DoCoreDump=0) (all emulators except vsid).
Disable/enable calling of the exception handler (DoCoreDump=1, DoCoreDump=0) (all emulators except vsid).
Enable/disable the debug "cartridge" used for the test suite.
-aneloglevel <mode>
Set the log mode (0=none 1=only unstable 2=all) (LogLevelANE) (x64sc, xvic).
-lxaloglevel <mode>
Set the log mode (0=none 1=only unstable 2=all) (LogLevelLXA) (x64sc, xvic).

The following are only available when the emulators were compiled in DEBUG mode:

Trace the main CPU / Do not trace the main CPU (MainCPU_TRACE=1, MainCPU_TRACE=0)
Trace the drive 0 CPU / Do not trace the drive 0 CPU (Drive0CPU_TRACE=1, Drive0CPU_TRACE=0)
Trace the drive 1 CPU / Do not trace the drive 1 CPU (Drive1CPU_TRACE=1, Drive1CPU_TRACE=0)
Trace the drive 2 CPU / Do not trace the drive 2 CPU (Drive2CPU_TRACE=1, Drive2CPU_TRACE=0)
Trace the drive 3 CPU / Do not trace the drive 3 CPU (Drive3CPU_TRACE=1, Drive3CPU_TRACE=0)
Trace IEC bus activity / Do not trace IEC bus activity (IEC_TRACE=1, IEC_TRACE=0)
-trace_mode <value>
Trace mode (0=normal 1=small 2=history)
-autoplaybackframes <frames>
Set the amount of automatic playback frames

6.20 Network Play settings

Note network play code is still experimental and unstable in some corners and can be a bit tricky to setup and made work:

The experimental nature of this feature also means that you might require both involved parties to use the exact same version of VICE.

6.20.1 Network Play resources

String specifying the name of the remote server. The client specifies here to what remote machine it wants to connect. To connect to another instance of VICE running on the same machine use
String specifying the IP of the remote server. The server specifies here at what IP it listens. This can be blank in common setups.
Integer specifying the port used for network play. This must be a number > 1023 (non privileged) and must be the same on both server and client.
Integer containing a bitfield that specifies which resources are controlled by either the server or the client:
Bit Resource controlled by
0 Keyboard Server
1 Joystick port 1 Server
2 Joystick port 2 Server
3 Devices Server
4 Resources Server
5 Keyboard Client
6 Joystick port 1 Client
7 Joystcik port 2 Client
8 Devices Client
9 Resources Client

6.20.2 Network Play command-line options

-netplayserver <name>
Set the name of the remote server (NetworkServerName).
-netplaybind <ip>
Set the IP of the remote server (NetworkServerBindAddress).
-netplayport <port>
Set the port used for network play (NetworkServerPort).
-netplayctrl <flag>
Specify what resources are controlled by the server or the client (see above) (NetworkControl).

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